
Modern Application Stacks & Security

I had the pleasure to give a presentation at the Security Interest Group Switzerland Technology Conference about modern application stacks and how they can be used to improve infrastructure and application security posture – the slides can be found here. Besides seeing a lot of old friends, I particularly enjoyed a round table discussion on security integration into CI/CD pipelines. Continue reading “Modern Application Stacks & Security”

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GI Sicherheit 2018 Conference

Last week (25th – 27th April), I attended the “Sicherheit 2018” in Konstanz which is the annual meeting of the security community of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) in Germany. The conference is in equal proportions attended by researchers and people of the industry working in security-related disciplines which lead to lively and pleasant discussions conversations. Continue reading “GI Sicherheit 2018 Conference”

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Industrial IoT Overview & Case Studies

Stefan and I had the pleasure of joining a one-day closed workshop on Industrial IoT Security. As always, we ended up with plenty of new research ideas and great contacts. We hope of course to post on follow-up research, but in this short post we quickly want to publish our slides which contain our input for the workshop. We mainly presented on IT security challenges for modern IIoT environments and presented some case studies for successful hardening/protection of IIoT environments as well as security in IIoT product development.

You can find our slides here.

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#TR18 Active Directory Security Track, Part 1

This is the first post discussing talks of the Active Directory Security Track of this year’s Troopers which took place last week in Heidelberg (like in the last nine years ;-). It featured, amongst others, a new track focused on Microsoft AD and its security properties & implications. This was the agenda.

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The Hackers‘ Sanctuary City

TROOPERS has a long history of theming the conference every year. Usually we pick a surreal topic, a fun story which we think is worth to pick up on. Some of it starts as a crazy thought, others have been the result of long discussions. Most of them are online, only our master piece from 2016 is securely stored in the company’s vaults.

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