
Linux Character Devices: Exploring systemd-run and pkexec

In this blog post, we quickly look into issues involving character devices. As is typical for Linux, everything is a file, so character devices are referenced as files, such as pseudo terminals (pts) under /dev/pts/. man pty briefly introduces the topic. Essentially, it is used to connect a program, such as a terminal emulator, to a shell. In the end, a pty can read and write like a regular file. A colleague already brought up the topic of ptys and character devices. But more recently a Twitter post and the accompanying advisory piqued my interest.

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As mentioned in my last blogpost, I had the pleasure to participate in this years DFRWS USA and present our paper. The paper and presentation can be freely viewed and downloaded here or here. Note that there is also an extended version of the paper, which can be downloaded here.

The keepassx, zsh and heap analysis plugins are now also part of the Rekall release candidate 1.7.0RC1, so it’s easier to get started.

The conference had some great talks and workshops, which I’m going to briefly sum up.
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Release of Glibc Heap Analysis Plugins for Rekall

I’m happy to announce the release of several Glibc heap analysis plugins (for Linux), resp. plugins to gather information from keepassx and zsh, which are now included in the Rekall Memory Forensic Framework. This blogpost will demonstrate these plugins and explain how they can be used. More detailed information, including real world scenarios, will be released after the talk at this years DFRWS USA.

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Solving sound issues when using WebEx with Linux and Firefox

Hello everybody,

Some of you might use WebEx in their daily life. And some of you might use Linux (as I and many of us do). However, this combination often results in issues with your PC’s sound or microphone use in a WebEx session.

The problem here is that WebEx won’t run as intended with Firefox and JRE x64. But the solution is quite easy! Use the x86-versions of each.

Probably you don’t want to replace your x64 versions of either of them — and neither do I. So I wrote a little script which helps you to quickly switch to the x86 versions, while you still have the x64 versions installed. And here is how to do it:

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Revisiting an Old Friend: Shell Globbing

One interesting observation we make when testing complex environments is that at the bottom of huge technology stacks, there is usually a handful of shell scripts doing interesting stuff. More often than not these helper scripts are started as part of cron jobs running as root and perform basic administrative tasks like compressing and copying log files or deleting leftover files in temporary directories. Of course, these high privileges make them an interesting target for privilege escalation attacks and one class of vulnerability we reliably encounter in shell scripts is unsafe handling of globbing or filename expansions. Continue reading “Revisiting an Old Friend: Shell Globbing”

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IPv6 Hardening Guide for Linux Servers

We were recently approached by a customer asking us for support along the lines of “do you have any recommendations as for strict hardening of IPv6 parameters on Linux systems?”. It turned out that the systems in question process quite sensitive data and are located in certain, not too big network segments with very high security requirements.

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