
Linux Character Devices: Exploring systemd-run and pkexec

In this blog post, we quickly look into issues involving character devices. As is typical for Linux, everything is a file, so character devices are referenced as files, such as pseudo terminals (pts) under /dev/pts/. man pty briefly introduces the topic. Essentially, it is used to connect a program, such as a terminal emulator, to a shell. In the end, a pty can read and write like a regular file. A colleague already brought up the topic of ptys and character devices. But more recently a Twitter post and the accompanying advisory piqued my interest.

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BSI Publishes Windows 10 SiSyPHuS Reports: Application Compatibility Infrastructure, Microsoft Defender Antivirus ETW Usage and Device Setup Manager Service

The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI – Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) has published several papers ERNW created as part of the long-term SiSyPHuS Win10-Project. This project focuses on system analysis of selected parts of the Windows 10 operating system performed by ERNW.

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Breaking, Misc

Root Cause Analysis of a Heap-Based Buffer Overflow in GNU Readline

In the last blog post, we discussed how fuzzers determine the uniqueness of a crash. In this blog post, we discuss how we can manually triage a crash and determine the root cause. As an example, we use a heap-based buffer overflow I found in GNU readline 8.1 rc2, which has been fixed in the newest release. We use GDB and rr for time-travel debugging to determine the root cause of the bug.

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Reversing C++ Without Getting a Heart Attack – DEvirtualize VIrtual Calls With Devi

TLDR: This blogpost presents devi, a tool that can help you devirtualize virtual calls in C++ binaries. It uses Frida to trace the execution of a binary and uncover the call sources and destinations of virtual calls. The collected information can then be viewed in IDA Pro, Binary Ninja, or Ghidra. The plugin adds the respective control-flow edges allowing further analysis (using different plugins) or simply providing more comfort when analyzing C++ binaries.

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Offensivecon 2019


Last week I had the pleasure to attend Offensivecon 2019 in Berlin. The conference was organized very well, and I liked the familial atmosphere which allowed to meet lots of different people. Thanks to the organizers, speakers and everyone else involved for this conference! Andreas posted a one tweet tldr of the first day; fuzzing is still the way to go to find bugs, and mitigations make exploitation harder. Here are some short summaries of the talks I enjoyed.

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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Nexus Repository Manager

Recently, we identified security issues in the Nexus Repository Manager software developed by Sonatype. The tested versions were OSS 3.12.1-01 and OSS 3.13.1-01.

The following issues could be identified:

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