
Reading the BlueCoat FileSystem

You may remember our last post regarding the SGOS system and the proprietary file system. Since then, we got access to a newer version of the system ( Still not the most current one (which seems to be nor of the 6.6.x branch (which seems to be though. As this system version also used the same proprietary filesystem (although it initially booted from a FAT32 partition), I decided to take a deeper look into this.

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RIPE IoT Roundtable Meeting / Balanced Security for IPv6 CPE Revisited

Last week I had the pleasure to participate at the first RIPE IoT Roundtable Meeting in Leeds (thanks! to Marco Hogewoning for organising it). It was a day with many fruitful discussions. I particularly enjoyed Robert Kisteleki‘s talk on RIPE NCC’s own design & (security) process considerations in the context of RIPE Atlas (at TR17 NGI there was an intro to Atlas, too).
In this post I’d like to quickly lay out the main points of my own contribution on “Balanced Security for IPv6 CPE Revisited” (the slides can be found here).

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An Update of PenTesting Tools that (do not) Support IPv6

As you may remember, back in 2014 we published a whitepaper (compiled by Antonis Atlasis) on the support of IPv6 in different pentesting tools. This is almost three years ago and we thought it is time for an update. In short not much has changed. Most of the tools which didn’t support IPv6 are still not supporting it or haven’t got any update since then.
This post will  cover the tools where we could identify some progress on supporting IPv6.

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FireEye Security Bug: Connection to physical host and adjacent network possible during analysis in Live-Mode

We recently identified a security issue in FireEye AX 5400, that also affected other products. We responsibly disclosed the bug to FireEye and a fix that addresses the issue has been released with version 7.7.7. The fix was also merged into the common core and is available as 8.0.1 for other products (i.e. FireEye EX).

The related release notes can be found here:

FireEye announced to post a 2017 Q3 notice with credit to us, too.

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As mentioned in my last blogpost, I had the pleasure to participate in this years DFRWS USA and present our paper. The paper and presentation can be freely viewed and downloaded here or here. Note that there is also an extended version of the paper, which can be downloaded here.

The keepassx, zsh and heap analysis plugins are now also part of the Rekall release candidate 1.7.0RC1, so it’s easier to get started.

The conference had some great talks and workshops, which I’m going to briefly sum up.
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11th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT17)

The 11th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT17) took place the last two days in Vancouver. Some colleagues and I had the chance to attend and enjoy the presentations of all accepted papers of this rather small, single-track co-located USENIX event. Unfortunately, the talks have not been recorded. However, all the papers should be available on the website. It’s worth taking a look at all of the papers, but these are some presentations that we’ve enjoyed: Continue reading “11th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT17)”

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A Life Without Vendors Binary Blobs

This blogpost will be about my first steps with coreboot and libreboot and a life with as few proprietary firmware blobs as possible. My main motivation were the latest headlines about fancy firmware things like Intel ME, Computrace and UEFI backdoors. This post is not intended to be about a as much as possible hardened system or about coreboot/libreboot being more secure, but rather to be able to look into every part of software running on that system if you want to.

I first got curious about coreboot and libreboot at the 33C3 (Bootstraping a slightly more secure laptop). Then I searched for some old retired hardware at ERNW which I could flash coreboot to and found an old Thinkpad X61. Finding the X60 as officially supported hardware on the libreboot homepage, I have read through the libreboot and coreboot manuals to learn about the main coreboot part and it’s several payloads. Continue reading “A Life Without Vendors Binary Blobs”

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