

I have the pleasure to visit this year’s USENIX Security Symposium in Washington, DC. Besides the nice venue close to the national mall, there are also several co-located workshops. Every night I will try and provide a summary of those presentations I regard as most interesting. However, I hope to manage to keep up with it as there are a lot of interesting events, people to meet, and still some projects to keep up with. The short summaries below are from the 6th USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats.

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MFD Vulnerabilities

A recent post describing some nasty vulnerabilities in HP multifunction devices (MFDs) brings back memories of a presentation Micele and I gave at Troopers11 on MFD security. The published vulnerabilities are highly relevant  (such as unauthenticated retrieval of administrative credentials) and reminded me of some of the basic recommendations we gave. MFD vulnerabilities are regularly discovered, and it is often basic stuff such as hardcoded $SECRET_INFORMATION (don’t get me wrong here, I fully appreciate the quality of the published research, but it is just surprising — let’s go with this attribute 😉 — that those types of vulnerabilities still occur that often). Yet many environments do not patch their MFDs or implement other controls. As it is not an option to not use MFDs (they are already present in pretty much every environment, and the vast majority of vendors periodically suffer from vulnerabilities), let’s recall some of our recommendations as those would have mitigated the risk resulting from the published vulnerability:

  • Isolation & Filtering: Think about a dedicated MFD segment, where only ports required for printing are allowed incoming. I suppose 80/8080 would not have been in that list.
  • Patching: Yes, also MFDs need to be patched. Sounds trivial, yet it does not happen in many environments.

One recommendation we did not come up with initially are dedicated VIP MFDs, but this is something we have actually observed in the interim. As the MFDs process a good part of the information in your environment — hence also sensitive information — some environments have dedicated VIP MFDs, which are only used by/exposed to board members or the like. (As a side note, many MFDs also save all print jobs on the internal hard drive and do not retrieve them in a secure way. For example, we also mentioned in our presentation that the main MFD once used in our office kept copies of everything ever printed/scanned/faxed on it)

Referring to some other posts: We told ya 😉

Have a good one,


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Cross-Site Request Forgery with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

During one of our last projects in a large environment we encountered an interesting flaw. Although it was not possible to exploit it in this particular context, it’s worth to be mentioned here. The finding was about Cross-Site Request Forgery, a quite well-known attack that forces a user to execute unintended actions within the authenticated context of a web application. With a little help of social engineering (like sending a link via email, chat, embedded code in documents, etc…) an attacker may force the user to execute actions of the attacker’s choice.
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IPv6 Hackers Meeting @ IETF 87 in Berlin / Slides

That meeting was actually a great event. Once more, big thanks! to Fernando for organizing it and to EANTC for providing the logistics.
A couple of unordered notes to follow:

a) The slides of our contribution can be found here. Again, pls note that this is work in progress and we’re happy to receive any kind of feedback.
[given Fernando explicitly mentioned Troopers, we’ve allowed ourselves to put some reference to it into this version of the slide deck…]

b) the scripts Stefan currently puts together will be released here once they’ve undergone more testing ;-).

c) Sander Steffann mentioned that Juniper SRX models do have IPv6 support for management protocols. According to this link this seems somewhat correct.

d) we had that discussion about (which) ASA inspects work with IPv6.
Here‘s a link providing some info for 8.4 software releases, this is the respective one for 9.0.

e) I was really impressed by the work performed by these guys and I think that ft6 (“Firewalltester for IPv6”) is a great contribution to the IPv6 security (testing) space.
And, of course, Marc’s latest additions to THC-IPV6 shouldn’t go unnoticed ;-). And I learned he can not only code, but cook as well.


Eric Vyncke commented “To be repeated”. We fully second that ;-).



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Basic OS X Hardening & DMA

In the course of a recent endpoint assessment, we also had a OS X 10.8 client system as a target. While we still rely on the Firewire “capability” of unlocking systems on a regular base (using this great tool), we noticed that Apple released a patch to disable Firewire DMA access whenever the system is in a locked state (e.g. with an active screensaver or no user logged in). As we test the Firewire DMA access vulnerability quite often (at least we thought so 😉 ) to prepare for demonstrations in the board room or client assessments, we were quite surprised that we must have actually missed that nice update. In order to verify the effectiveness of the patch, we ran our typical test bed and can quite happily confirm that the update successfully mitigates Firewire DMA access in locked system states.

Beside breaking into unpatched OS X client using Firewire DMA access ;-), we also noticed some lack of hardening guides related to Apples current OS X version 10.8, so we also compiled a basic checklist for OS X hardening measures which we want to share with you:


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Responsible Disclosure and Academic Freedom, Again

Reading this article from the Guardian,  on this guy apparently being banned from fully discussing research results in his talk at upcoming USENIX Security, leaves me scratching my head once more. Things might (as so often) be more complex than they seem, but this looks like yet-another misconception as for the contribution of security research (and its public discussion) to the greater good of us all. Which is unfortunate for the speakers (I’ve been in a similar situation once, receiving a threatening legal letter from a very large organization one day before one of our Black Hat presentations and can tell you that stuff like that doesn’t add to one’s anticipation of the talk or the event…), for the audience (including some ERNW guys who will be a USENIX-SEC, so, btw, expect a summary post here) and for the whole community of security researchers.

Ross Anderson from the University of Cambridge (so just ~ 100 miles from Birmingham, where Flavio Garcia works) formerly gave a very nice response when one of his students was approached in a similar fashion. Based on the publicly available information, the judge in the above case did not follow this reasoning. Which I think, is not a good thing for all of us.

Still, have a great remainder of the weekend everybody,


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IPv6 Hackers Meeting @ IETF 87, Berlin

Next to IETF 87 going on in Berlin in a few days there will be an informal meeting of the “IPv6 Hackers” on Tuesday. We really look forward to personally meet a number of people who we (so far) only know from the associated mailing list or similar machine-enhanced exchange. We hope to contribute as well. Based on the stuff of this workshop from the IPv6 Security Summit at Troopers13 we might give a short project presentation along the lines of “Some Notes on Testing the Real-World IPv6 Capabilities of Commercial Security Products”, providing an overview of some testing done on commercial gear, together with a discussion of testing approaches, tools and key aspects.

I currently discuss this potential input with the guy who gratefully organized the meeting. In any case I encourage everybody interested in IPv6 security to show up there (you don’t have to be registered to IETF 87) as there’s not much that can substitute meeting in person to discuss how to make the IPv6 world a safer place.



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BlackBerry 10 USB Modes

So we got these shiny new BlackBerry Q10 and Z10 device laying on the desk one morning. It’s my first BlackBerry, I have to admit, but never the less, the hole wushy GUI and touchy glass stuff wasn’t my main concern, instead i took a look at the stuff going on while you connect the phone (do i have to call it blackberry? its a phone, isn’t it?) to your computer.

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Some Notes on Types of Security Controls & the Way they’re Implemented in Enterprise Environments

Welcome back, Dear Reader,

in this post I’d like to share some reflections on the (potentially inefficient) way some security controls can be observed to be deployed in complex organisations and what this may mean for the future of those controls.

In general the space of security controls can be categorized according to different schemes, such as:

  • By fundamental principle (preventive, detective, reactive, corrective, deterrent, compensating etc. security controls. see for example this overview or this one or some illustration here).
  • By “state of matter” (e.g. components, implementation, operations. again, for some supplemental information look at this one).
  • By type of admission: whitelisting vs. blacklisting (some general discussion here, the respective Schneier-Ranum Face-Off to be found here, and this is only Bruce’s half, but with a number of comments).
  • Related to the overall architecture of implementation: centralized vs. distributed.

For today’s topic I’ll just focus on the latter two and will introduce those shortly.

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