
General Pr0ken Filesystem – Hacking IBM’s GPFS

This post is a short wrap-up of our Troopers talk about the research we did on IBM’s General Parallel File System. If you are interested in all the technical details take a look at our slides or the video recording. We will also give an updated version of this talk at the PHDays conference in Moscow next month.

The IBM General Parallel File System is a distributed file system used in large scale enterprise environments, high performance clusters as well as some of the worlds largest super computers. It is considered by many in the industry to be the most feature rich and production hardened distributed file system currently available. GPFS has a long and really interesting history, going back to the Tiger Shark file system created by IBM 1993.

Of course, this makes it an interesting target for security research. When looking at GPFS from an implementation point of view, the Linux version is made up of three different components: User space utilities and helper scripts, the mmfsd network daemon and multiple Linux kernel modules. We (Florian Grunow and me) spent some time analyzing the internals of these components and discovered critical vulnerabilities in all of them.

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SI6 Networks’ IPv6 Toolkit v2.0 (Guille) released at the Troopers IPv6 Security Summit

This is a guest post from Fernando Gont.

On March 16th, 2015, at the Troopers IPv6 Security Summit, we finally released the SI6 Networks’ IPv6 Toolkit v2.0 (Guille). The aforementioned release is now available at the SI6 IPv6 Toolkit homepage. It is the result of over a year of work, and includes improvements in the following areas:

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MLD, a tale on Complexity in IPv6

The purpose of this blog post is to elucidate how and why MLD, an IPv6 protocol we’ve been lately talking quite a bit about, is an unnecessarily complex beast  . This article should also serve to summarize a couple of points we’ve mentioned during our talks about MLD but which because of time constraints never make it into the main discussion. We’ve talked about other aspects of MLD in previous posts. So, have a look at those if this is a topic which you find interesting. Without further ado, let’s start for today.

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Troopers 15 Badge

As TROOPERS15 has come to an end, I’ve finally got the time and energy to give you a deeper insight into the TR15 badge. As most of you have probably heard during the conference, this year’s badge was based on the OpenPCD2. The OpenPCD 2 is a 13.56MHz NFC Reader, Writer and Emulator under the GNU GPL v2. As NFC is, yet again, on an uprise, a badge with NFC simply gives you the chance to fiddle around and hack stacks of stuff in the real world. Adding some TROOPERS spirit and a few little secrets we hope we’ve designed a pretty nice badge!
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Syscan 2015

Last week Matthias and I went to Singapore to teach our workshop on Hypervisor Exploitation at SyScan. After a very unpleasant Lufthansa strike (which made us arrive late in Singapore) and two intense workshop days, we were free to attend the “last” SyScan. There are few IT security conferences that have such a great reputation in the community and so we had high expectations, which were definitely not disappointed. This year had a lot of really interesting talks so I will just summarize some of the ones I liked the most.

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