Today’s focus in our blog series will cover large-scale environments: Cryptography in Cloud environments and Network Automation. Since these topics will only become more important over time stay tuned for our TROOPERS16’s developing agenda to see what new talks will be available (or submit your own talk during our Call for Papers starting in August via our new CFP Submission tool!) Continue reading “Blog 2: Beyond the Thunderdome:
A Review of TROOPERS15″
Blog 2: Beyond the Thunderdome:
IPv6 & Complexity
IPv6 is often called a “complex protocol”, not least by myself (for example in my keynote to the IPv6 Security Summit 2014). In this post I want to have a quick look at three questions:
– Can IPv6 be considered a “complex protocol”?
– Is it “more complex” than IPv4?
– Can we expect IPv6 networks to be “complex networks”?
Continue reading “IPv6 & Complexity”
Continue readingBeyond the Thunderdome:
A Review of TROOPERS15
Here in Heidelberg we are already gearing up for TROOPERS16 (taking place from 14th to 18th March 2016!). While you are preparing for our Call for Papers or waiting eagerly to sign up for your spot in one of our legendary trainings take a look at our newest blog series “Beyond the Thunderdome: A Review of TROOPERS15”. It may offer some inspiration, help you kill time while waiting for next year’s TROOPERS, or for those that are new to our conference, give you a taste for what TROOPERS is all about. See you soon at TROOPERS16!
The first of our series is a combination of talks from our Management Track with the focus on Defense topics. Each summary comes complete with video and slides for your viewing pleasure. 😉
Continue reading “Beyond the Thunderdome:
A Review of TROOPERS15″
RIPE70 in Amsterdam
Two weeks ago Christopher and I joined the RIPE70 meeting in Amsterdam. Being part of the group was fun as always and we had quite some interesting conversations with peers from the IPv6 community.
Continue reading “RIPE70 in Amsterdam”
Continue readingERNW @ HAXPO 2015
There are lots of interesting places to visit in Amsterdam, but if you are there between the 26th and the 29th of May, then our booth at HAXPO exhibition should be your main destination.
HAXPO is a great exhibition, where you can become up-to-date with the latest security technologies, attend various workshops and get in touch with more than 35 IT and information security companies. It will take place in the beautiful historical building “Beurs van Berlage” in the center of Amsterdam. As usual, ERNW will take part in HAXPO. We will be waiting for you in the Community Village section (booth NL-018). Come visit and get to know more about us. You are invited to take our hacking challenges, where the levels of complexity vary from beginners to advanced. Furthermore, we will bring our KNX hacking suitcase!
In addition to the exhibition, HAXPO offers a very interesting track of must-see briefings about security and cutting-edge innovations. Don’t miss the talks held by ERNW members! On May 29th, you will see Oliver Matula and Christopher Scheuring with their talk “When You Stare into the Sandbox, It Stares Back at You: Evaluating the APT Armor”. On the same day Rafael Schaefer and Jason Salazar will lead you through “Pentesting in the Age of IPv6”.
See you there!
Olga & Ahmad
Continue readingHow to Get a BaseStation
In our talks in the past we showed what might be possible if an attacker gets access to backhaul and/or core network of a telecommunication provider. In a security analysts perspective this is really disgusting, but provider always will argument that those attack scenarios are not realistic.
Continue reading “How to Get a BaseStation”
Continue readingAnalysis of an Alarm System – Part 2/3
A few days later than planned (sorry about that), but here we go with part 2 (Part1) and the demodulation/analysis part.
Continue reading “Analysis of an Alarm System – Part 2/3” 2015
I attended this really nice conference in Slovenia on April 16th. It was a smaller conference, but very memorable for the people (students, IT sec professionals and managers alike) who attended.
I also had the pleasure to present on How secure am I with EMET? and Evaluating the APT armor and wanted to share the slides with you — feel free to approach me for any kind of feedback or discussion.
I’m looking forward to go to Ljubljana again! 😉
OS IPv6 Behavior in Conflicting Environments
I was invited by the Swiss IPv6 Council to give a talk on this topic yesterday. We had good conversations after the talk – thanks for the invitation!
For those interested the slides can be found here. I will happily discuss the intricacies of DHCPv6 and how to deploy it in complex environments at the upcoming IPv6 Business Conference in Zurich and in my “IPv6 in Enterprise Networks” training in Berlin.
Have a great day everybody
Continue readingSSL Tidbits at the BASTA.NET
A while a go Dominik and I gave an introductory presentation about SSL at the BASTA.NET conference, a developer-oriented event held in Darmstadt twice a year. At that time there were quite some enthusiastic participants but recently we’ve also gotten some inquiries asking for the relevant materials. Although there’s no recording of the session, we’ve decided to put the slides here for those interested who didn’t make it to the talk.
“Who should have a look at the slides?” you ask, well, if you’ve been wanting to get a sense for what the idea behind SSL is, where it is used, how it is usually leveraged and what problems could arise when poorly employed, you will certainly find the slide-deck interesting. Although the session was meant to slowly get participants up to speed in matters SSL, it’s still likely that more informed folks will still find it interesting, even if just as a refresher about key and certificate formats, PKI 101, SSL stripping, secure cookies, and other topics.
Without further, here’s slide deck.
For the hungry, here are some other interesting resources we suggested to attendees willing to go a bit deeper on the topic after the talk.
– OWASP – SSL für Alle
– OWASP – Transport Layer Protection Cheat Sheet
– Mozilla – Server Side TLS
For those attending to the BASTA.NET next autumm, we’re looking forward to meeting you. But for the time being, that’s going to be pretty much it.
Thanks for reading and let us know what you think.
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