
Releasing dizzy version 0.6

Hi @all,
today im releasing a new version of our famous fuzzing framework, dizzy. The version counts 0.6 by now and youll get some brand new features!

see the CHANGELOG:
– ssl support
– server side fuzzing mode
– command output
– new dizz funktions: lambda_length, csum, lambda_csum, lambda2_csum
– recursive mutation mode
– new dizz objects: fill
– new interaction objects: null_dizz
– reconnect option
– additional fuzzing values

find the sources here (90397f9ec11c8ec3db7f14cb4d38dd39e30f9791)



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SQL Injection Testing for Business Purposes Part 1


SQL injection attacks have been well known for a long time and many people think that developers should have fixed these issues years ago, but doing web application pentests almost all the time, we have a slightly different view. Many SQL injection problems  potentially remain undetecteddue to a lack of proper test methodology, so we would like to share our approach and experience and help others in identifying these issues.

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Untrusted code or why exploit code should only be executed by professionals

In march 2012 Microsoft announced a critical vulnerability (Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-020) related to RDP that affects all windows operating systems and allows remote code execution. A lot of security professionals are expecting almost the same impact as with MS08-067 (the conficker vulnerability) and that it will be only a matter of time, until we will spot reliable exploits in the wild. Only a few days later an exploit, working for all unpatched windows versions was released, so it seems that they were right ;-), but of course no one will run an exploit without investigating the code. So lets have a look into the exploit Code.

First we take a look into the Microsoft advisory to get some information about the vulnerability itself:

The vulnerability requires some “specifically crafted RDP packets” to be sent to the vulnerable system to trigger the problem. We should spot this trigger in the exploit:

OK, the trigger is there and we also see some shellcode, that will open a bindshell on TCP port 8888. The next step is to figure out, what the exploit is doing with this code:

The exploit code converts a lot of opcodes to the big endian format, that looks reasonable because the exploit claims to work on all affected windows versions. The last step is to verifiy, how all the stuff is sent to the vulnerable system:

We see that target IP address and the RDP port are assigned and collected from the command line, the RDP packet is generated and the “specifically crafted RDP packets” are sent to the target.Finally the shellcode is sent and we are ready to connect to a remote shell that listens on TCP port 8888. Game over ;-).

We have verified the exploit, so it’s time now to run it against some unpatched test system and see, if we can compromise all these unpatched boxes out there …

…JUST KIDDING, never ever do that and I’m not talking about the legal issues this time ;-). It is a quite common mistake by unexperienced testers to work in this way. The exploit code was gathered from an untrusted source, so it needs detailed investigations before you run it, not just a short walk-through. You have to ensure that you understand every line of code completely to avoid being targeted by yourself, even the shellcode and the trigger of the rdp example. So let’s digg a little bit deeper into this.

First we have to extract the shellcode and trigger (the opcodes) from the exploit for further analysis. I prefer a special editor for this task that has all needed functionality (and much more 😉 ) built-in. It’s a commercial tool called “010 Editor” that can be obtained here and is available as a windows and MAC OS X version.

Step 1
Copy just the trigger opcodes into a dedicated text file, don’t forget to remove the double quotes. The text files should look almost like this:


and shellcode:

Step 2
Use the editors replace function to replace “\x” with “0x” for the trigger and shellcode text files. Take the shellcode as an example, how the opcodes should look now:

Step 3
Mark all this hex data and copy it to the clipboard.

Step 4
Choose “File-New-New Hex File” from the “010 Editors” menu to create an empty hex file.

Step 5
Now choose “Edit-Paste From-Paste from Hex Text” to paste the data as hex data into the new hex file.

Step 6
Save both files (trigger and shellcode) as and

Now we would be ready to analyze the opcodes with some toolset, but I assume that all of you already spotted some very interesting stuff within the shellcode part ;-):

Yes, it looks like the shellcode doesn’t open a bindshell, it just erases parts of your hard drive on windows and your complete root partition on unix.

This is really GAME OVER, if you would have run the exploit without a detailed analysis on a productive system. This code is referenced with the following code:

def __init__(self, payload, shellcode):
super(RDPsocket, self).__init__(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.payload = payload
self.table = __import__("__builtin__").__dict__
self.shellcode = shellcode

and then executed using this code:

seeker = (struct.pack(">I", 0x6576616c)
read = self.table[seeker[0]]
return str(read(shellcode)), parsed

But in case that the shellcode wouldn’t have been so easily readable, there are more options for an easy analysis. Based on the shellcode emulation library libemu there are some tools available to find out what the shellcode is doing without reverse engineering it. SCDBG is one that runs on all unix based systems and also on windows, you can grab it here.

Let us see how SCDBG works with a short example shellcode:
scdbg -f
Loaded 150 bytes from file
Initilization Complete..
Max Steps: 2000000
Using base offset: 0x401000
40107aGetTempPath(len=104, buf=12fce4)
4010b2URLDownloadToFile(, C:\%TEMP%\dEbW.exe)

Stepcount 293883

So the example shellcode downloads a malicious file and executes it, let’s have a look at our shellocde now:
scdbg -f
Loaded 10d bytes from file
Initilization Complete..
Max Steps: 2000000
Using base offset: 0x401000
401002opcode 69 not supported

Stepcount 2

SCDBG fails to analyze the shellcode (for obvious reasons as we already know), so you can take this result as a good hint, that some stuff is hidden in the code and that you better shouldn’t run it.

Lessons learned

So finally, let’s summarize some lessons that every serious penetration tester should be aware of:

1. Never run any untrusted code (especially exploits) without a detailed analysis.
2. Ensure that you understand every line of code and this also includes the shellcode.
3. Before using untrusted code in a real pentest, verify it in a test environment (virtual machines are a good choice for that).
4. When using exploits on customer systems be aware that you’re running it on one of the assets of your customer! Don’t do that without your customers permission!
5. Your customer trusts your professional knowledge, so it’s your responsibility to avoid damaging any of your customers systems by mistake.

So happy practicing and enjoy your week 😉


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A Comment on Android PIN bypass

Lately there have been some rumors on the full-disclosure mailing list referring to a blogpost of  Hatforce about a new method to bypass the PIN/password lock on Android Gingerbread phones.
The approach was to boot into the Recovery Mode and execute a reset to factory state. The ideal result should be a reliable wipe of the /data partition. However, the author managed to recover data after the wiping process. This has been stated as a method on extracting sensitive date without knowing the actual pin or passcode.

This approach was tested on a Nexus S smartphone with Android 2.3.6 assuming the problem could be present on other devices too.
As of our experience this actually affects all Android devices without device encryption. Meanwhile we had more than ten different Android 2.3.x devices from four different vendors. All of them need less than a minute for a factory reset. An actual example is the HTC Desire HD with a  1,1GB /data partition excluding the /cache partition. The factory reset procedure took about  40 seconds, which can hold as an advice to question if this time is actually sufficient to wipe the whole storage. Finally we have been able to recover data after factory-reset devices as part of previous studies.

Besides mentioning that the source code indicates Android devices runnig Android Honeycomb and later effectively wipe data. After looking up in the source code of Android Ice Cream Sandwich we found that the FileWriter class is used for the wipe of the /cache and /data partition. So no indication on overwriting the data here. We assume, that by mentioning the issue as resolved, he was referring to Android Honeycomb device encryption being use, which indeed resolves this issue. This feature has been announced as a new feature anyway.

The fact about getting the data without knowing the PIN however does not really fit the case. From our opinion that’s not a new thought anyway. As long as the storage is not encrypted there always ways to access and read it. My favorite way is to flash the recovery mode with a custom one, e.g. ClockWorkMod By this means it’s possible to run Android Debugging Bridge, su and dd binaries which in return can be used to connect to the device via USB cable and create a raw copy of the storage. Additionally it becomes available to follow the loudness principle and acquire data on a forensic level.

However there is one important aspect mentioned in the blogpost, which we fully agree with: lost device means lost data!

Have a great day



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ERP Platforms Are Vulnerable

This is a guest post by the SAP security expert Juan Pablo Perez-Etchegoyen, CTO of  Onapsis. Enjoy reading:

At Onapsis we are continuously researching in the ERP security field to identify the risks that ERP systems and business-critical applications are exposed to. This way we help customers and vendors to increase their security posture and mitigate threats that may be affecting their most important platform: the one that stores and manages their business’ crown jewels.

We have been talking about SAP security in many conferences over the last years, not only showing how to detect insecure settings and vulnerabilities but also explaining how to mitigate and solve them.  However, something that is still less known is that since 2009 we have been also doing research over Oracle’s ERP systems (JD Edwards, Siebel, PeopleSoft, E-Business Suite) and reporting vulnerabilities to the vendor. In this post, I’m going to discuss some of the vulnerabilities that we reported, Oracle fixed and released patches in the latest CPU (Critical Patch Update) of January 2012. In this CPU, 8 vulnerabilities reported by Onapsis affecting JD Edwards were fixed.

What’s really important about these vulnerabilities is that most of them are highly critical, enabling a remote unauthenticated attacker to fully compromise the ERP server just having network access to it.  I’m going to analyze some these vulnerabilities to shed some light on the real status of JD Edwards’ security. Most of these vulnerabilities are exploitable through the JDENET service, which is a proprietary protocol used by JDE for connecting the different servers.

Let’s take a look at the most interesting issues:

ONAPSIS-2012-001: Oracle JD Edwards JDENET Arbitrary File Write

Sending a specific packet in the JDENET message, an attacker can basically instruct the server to write an arbitrary content in an arbitrary location, leading to an arbitrary file write condition.

ONAPSIS-2012-002: Oracle JD Edwards Security Kernel Remote Password Disclosure

Sending a packet containing key hard-coded in the kernel, an attacker can “ask for” a user’s password (!)

ONAPSIS-2012-003: Oracle JD Edwards SawKernel Arbitrary File Read

An attacker can read any file, by connecting to the JDENET service.

ONAPSIS-2012-007: Oracle JD Edwards SawKernel SET_INI Configuration Modification Modifications to the server configuration (JDE.INI) can be performed remotely and without authentication. Several attacks are possible abusing this vulnerability.

ONAPSIS-2012-006: Oracle JD Edwards JDENET Large Packets Denial of Service

If an attacker sends packets larger than a specific size, then the server’s CPU start processing at 100% of its capacity. Game over.

As a “bonus” to this guest blog post, I would like to analyze a vulnerability related to the set of  security advisories we released back on April 2011 (many of them also critical). This vulnerability is the ONAPSIS-2011-07.

The exploitation of this weakness is very straight-forward, as the only thing an attacker needs to do is to send a packet to the JDENET command service (typically UDP port 6015) with the message “SHUTDOWN”, and all JD Edwards services are powered off! Business impact? None of the hundreds/thousands of the company’s employees that need the ERP system to do their every-day work will be able to do their job.

Some people still talk about ERP security as a synonym of Segregation of Duties controls. This is just an example of a high-impact Denial of Service attack that can be performed against the technical components of these systems. No user or password. No roles or authorizations.

Even worse, as UDP connections are stateless, it’s trivial for the attacker to forge its source and exploit the vulnerability potentially bypassing firewall filters.

Hope you enjoyed our post and I’d like to thank Enno, Florian and the great ERNW team for their kind invitation.

You can get more information about our work at

BTW: Meet Mariano Nuñez Di Croce, CEO of Onapsis at TROOPERS12 in about ten days! He will give a talk and also host a dedicated workshop on SAP security.

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Groundhog Day: Don’t Pay Money for Some Else’s Calls, Still

Hi everyone,
it’s me again with another story of a toll fraud incident at one of our customers (not the same as the last time of course ;-)).
The story began basically like the last one: We received a call with an urgent request to help investigating a toll fraud issue. Like the last time I visited the site in order to get an idea on what was going on exactly. The customer has a VoIP deployment consisting of the whole UC Suite Cisco offers: Call Manager, Unity Connection for the voice mailboxes, Cisco based Voice-Gateways and of course, IP phones.

During the initial meeting I was told that the incident had taken place over the weekend, and had caused a bill of almost 100.000€ during this time period. Similar to the other incident, described two weeks ago , our customer didn’t discover it by himself but again the Telco contacted him beacause of that high bill. After the meeting I got ready to work my way through a whole bunch of log- and configuration files to analyze the situation. Spending 1 ½ days on the customer site to analyze the issue, I was able to reconstruct the incident. As stated earlier, the customer uses Cisco Unity Connection as voice mail application. Unity is reachable over a specific telephone number so that employees are able to listen to voice mail messages if they are on the road . When dialing this specific number, one has to enter the internal extension followed by a PIN for authentication. It turned out, that someone had brute forced one of the mailboxes PIN.

So how could this toll fraud issue happen by just bruteforcing the PIN of a mailbox? After successful authentication though the PIN, one is also able to configure a transfer of a call to a telephone number of your choice. Now it should become clear, where this is going…
After the bad guys retrieved the valid PIN, they configured a call transfer to some $EXPENSIVE_LONG_DISTANCE_CALL. In addition they changed the PIN in order to access the system whenever needed. As the issue started on a Friday evening (when almost everybody had already left for the weekend) nobody noticed the compromise of the mailbox. The bad guys logged in about 200 times during the weekend and configured different numbers to which the calls should be transferred. They started with some numbers located in African countries, which wasn’t successful because the configuration of the Call Manager blocked outgoing calls to such suspicious countries.

So, how could they initiate the calls nevertheless? These guys were smart. After realizing that the first approach wasn’t working they found a clever way to circumvent the restriction. They just used a so called “Call-by-Call” Provider. To use such a provider you have to prepend a provider specific prefix to the number. E.g. one prefix of a German provider is 010049. So they dialed 010049+$EXPENSIVE_LONG_DISTANCE_NUMBER and were able to circumvent the restriction on the Cisco Call Manager.

The first question which came to my mind was: Why can Cisco Unity initiate outbound calls? Well, according to our customer, there were some requirements that Unity should contact some home workers on their normal phone that new messages are present. In order to stop the potential exploit on short notice, we first configured the Call Manager denying Unity to initiate outbound calls. After digging into the configuration of Unity Connection and the Call Manager I found some configuration on the Unity connection box which enabled the attacker an easy game.

  1. The PIN was only 4 digits long.
  2. Unity Connection did not prevent the use of trivial PINs like „0000“ or „1234“.
  3. There was no restriction on to which number a call transfer could be configured.
  4. The ability to configure a call transfer over the Phone Interface is at least debatable.

These properties are a little unfortunate as Unity connection gives you all the tools you need to address the issues mentioned above. However, in this scenario the config had not been handled appropriately. So this case could basically be broken down to configuration weaknesses which favored the attacker to exploit the issue. Like in the last incident , the initial deployment and configuration was done by an external Service Provider.

So how can we assure that this won’t happen again?

  1. Use longer PINs. I recommended that the PIN should be at least 6 digits, which increases the number range you would have to bruteforce significantly, causing the attacker requiring up to 100 times as long for the attack! The password policy for the mailbox is configured in a so called authentication rule, where one can define all sort of things as for the mailbox password. In this authentication rule it was just one click to disable the use of trivial PINs.
  2. In Unity Connection, one can configure so called restriction tables to define to which numbers a call can be transferred. In the default installation there are some predefined restrictions, which didn’t work with the number plan of this particular customer.
  3. I recommended evaluating the need for configuration of call transfers over the phone, along with the advice to disable this functionality if not necessary.

All in all it is not rocket science to configure Unity Connection in a secure way, which unfortunately doesn’t mean you won’t find all kinds of scary misconfigurations. All the years at ERNW showed me this impressively.

As already said : It can cost you quite a lot of money if you do not take precautions to prevent that kind of incidents in the first place. So if you own the mentioned products (or plan on integrating them in your environment) check the configuration to ensure something like this won’t happen to you 😉

And one more thing: If you are interested in more VoIP security coverage don’t miss out Troopers 2012 where Enno and Daniel will give a talk on how to compromise the Cisco VoIP Crypto Ecosystem.

Have a great day,


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Assesment of Visual Voicemail on iPhones

VVM on iOS 5.0.1

Visual Voicemail (VVM) is a common feature of phone providers which allows accessing the good old voice-mailbox through the phone’s visual interface. In contrast to the classical voicemail approach, VVM allows intuitive navigation through voice-messages without dealing with an automated voice which tells you about message count and possible options. However, this implies the need of actually loading the messages of missed calls on the phone. The VVM-app displays missed calls and downloads corresponding messages which have been left by the initial caller. The software comes with your iPhone and is not intended for uninstallation. However, providers have to support it and will have to activate it for supporting clients. This feature is available on iPhones since August 2009 and became available on BlackBerrys and few Nokia phones later. Android doesn’t implement VVM in general. However some telecommunication providers offer their own apps to add this feature. Since version 4.0, Android offers an official Voicemail Provider API enabling better integration for the mobile OS.

Lately we had a deeper look at a VVM client. The client is integrated (on iPhones) into the phone app but has to be activated by the provider (and a special backend is needed). We assume it’s handled through a stealth SMS or alike, since related network traffic is not visible. Also most providers charge you for this feature. Some contracts include VVM, but typically it has to be activated initially. Even if connection to a wireless LAN exists, the traffic between phone and the VVM backend is routed through the 3G interface and doesn’t pass the Wi-Fi connection. This is interesting, since actually the Wi-Fi connection is typically preferred. This allows the providers to limit the backend access to their own „IPs used on the 3G networks“, meaning only customers with a SIM card from the corresponding provider can access the mailbox system. From a corporate point of view this also means, that a phone connected to a wireless LAN with an active VPN connection would certainly bypass its „default way to the Internet“ and consequently also bypass potentially present security controls like proxy servers.

After actual VVM usage, we jailbroke the phone and installed assessment tools. In addition we installed Cydia (third party app store), an SSH daemon (to connect remotely) and tcpdump (to sniff network traffic). Cydia makes use of the packet management as known from “Debian GNU/Linux”. So we used  “dpkg -i”  to install the local packet (.deb) of KeychainViewer, which was not available through the repository.

By sniffing the network traffic it was possible to examine the IMAP protocol revealing username and the corresponding hashed password (which allows to repeat a successful login) and of course all voicemail files. We want to highlight, that all the voicemail files have been transferred unencrypted. In addition we had a look at the keychain entries of the app. This revealed information (used protocol, port and server IP) already known from sniffing the network traffic and some new details. The first thing we recognized was the format of the account name (as already seen in network traffic) as well as the password, which is stored in cleartext. Knowing the server IP address, we already reach the critical amount of sensitive information becoming available through sniffing the network traffic. As the IMAP protocol on port 143 is used for communication, we were able to test the retrieved connection data and credentials by using a standard email client. Unsurprisingly it worked out well. The screenshots show how we used thunderbird to read the folder structure of the mailbox itself. Voice calls are basically implemented as emails with an .amr audio file attached.

Mailbox with Thunderbird

In addition we found, that after activation of the VVM feature, the configuration (.plist) file is stored at /var/mobile/Library/Voicemail/
containing the username, protocol information, the state of the voicemail account and the server IP. Having the username and server IP, which depends on the provider but can typically be figured out very easily, an attacker can run brute force attacks against the email server which is exposed to the Internet.
Furthermore the whole data transfer turned out to be unencrypted. One could argue that sniffing 2G/3G isn’t that easy when compared with sniffing Wi-Fi traffic. But even though eavesdropping or MITM attacks are not as likely as on Wi-Fi networks, they shouldn’t be completely ignored. Unfortunately login credentials tend to be long-living data. Once intercepted, these data will give an attacker the opportunity to access mailboxes and corresponding applications for a long time.

Providers still seem to rely on the non-interceptable properties of their networks. Even though intercepting isn’t easy, several publications have proofed them wrong in the last years. Thus this thread model is at least questionable.In addition scenarios exist, in which traffic is routed through untrusted areas e.g. in case of roaming. Considering the increasing importance of TCP/IP, traffic will more and more pass untrusted areas. In addition the trust model seems not to imply the actual user as a threat against sensitive data stored on the device (such as credentials for the VVM server). Last but not least, finding sensitive information such as login credentials unencrypted/unhashed still comes with a sobering taste.
All this has to be kept in mind, when using such technologies and may lead to the question, if the providers trust/thread model matches your own or those of your environment/company.

Have a nice day,

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Don’t Pay Money for Someone Else’s Calls, Again

One of our customers called us recently and asked for some support in investigating a toll fraud issue they encountered in one of their sites. Their telecommunications provider had contacted them informing them that they had accumulated a bill of 30.000€ over the last ten days.

Without knowing anything more specific, I drove to the affected site to get the whole picture.

They have a VoIP deployment based on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM, aka Call Manager) as Call Agent. The CUCM is connected via a H.323 trunk to a Cisco 2911 ISR G2 which is acting as a voice gateway. The ISR has a primary rate ISDN (PRI) Interface which is connected to the PBX of the telco. Furthermore they use a feature called Direct-inward Dial (DID) or Direct Dial-in (DDI) which is offered by Telco’s to enable calling parties to dial directly to an extension on a PBX or voice gateway.

Basically one then has a so called head number (in networking terms a prefix), together with some phone extensions. When someone from outside wants to call, he dials the head number + phone extension. Before the telco forwards the call to the ISR, the head number is stripped and only the phone extension number is forwarded to the voice gateway. E.g. when calling 12345-678, the local voice gateway will only see the 678 as called number.

After having a good overview of the design, I started to dig around in the log and configuration files to understand what exactly happened and why.

So here is what happened:

Apparently someone from some East European country had called the head number of our customer and prepended a “malicious number” (in some country in Africa) to which the ISR should setup a call.  The ISR only sees the malicious (African) number because, as said before, the head number was stripped by the telco. The malicious number was of course some $EXPENSIVE_LONG_DISTANCE_CALL ;). So the voice gateway received a call from the PBX and forwarded it back to setup the call with that number.

Before we proceed, a little bit of theory how a Cisco router decides how to forward a call, might be helpful:

In Cisco IOS, the call-routing table is configured based on so called dial-peers. These dial-peers specify how a call with a specific destination number should be forwarded.

As an example:

dial-peer voice 1234 pots
description ===incoming_calls===
incoming called number ^[2-7]..$
port 0/3/0


This configuration tells the router that calls to a number which matches the regular expression, should be forwarded to port 0/3/0.

As it turns out our customer uses the following dial-peer which is used for outbound calls.

dial-peer voice 5678 pots
description ===outgoing calls===
destination pattern 8T
port 1/1/1:15 -> The ISDN Interface


The T is a placeholder value which means that any amount of digits can follow the 8. The reason the pattern matches the digit 8 is that this digit must be dialed before the actual number.

Do I have to mention that the malicious number also starts with an 8? 😉

So back to the presumed course of action:

The call with the malicious number hits the router. The router tries to match a configured dial-peer to forward the call.  I think you can guess which dial peer matched for the malicious number 😉

So the router sends the call back to the PBX to setup a call to the malicious number. Which is billed to our customer…

We then monitored the situation and applied a workaround (more on this in a minute) and observed what happened. As it turned out, unfortunately the attacker was able to circumvent our workaround. We discovered that is was possible to “dial-in” to the router directly by just calling the head number (as the PBX leaves the called number field empty). E.g. the called number field in the log files looks like this:

“Called Number=”


The router subsequently provided a line and it was possible to call the number again. Our workaround did only affect incoming calls with the number prepended, but not those where the router is the actual origin of the establishment of the call.

So how can we resolve this issue and stop the toll fraud?

As a long-term solution the configured dial patterns should be reviewed and modified to prevent such things in the future, but – given the overall complexity of the setup – this could not be done overnight.

I am currently working with the customer to develop more suitable dial patterns. I will write a follow up post with the final results when we are finished.

In the mean-time, we developed a temporary workaround to prevent this from happening again:

In Cisco IOS you can manipulate the calling or called-number with so called translation rules and you are also able to reject calls based on the called number. Our customer does not use any extension beginning with 8, so we can drop all calls on the gateway which starts with 8 as called number. So we developed the following translation-rule:

 voice translation Rule 11
  rule 1 reject /^8+/
  rule 2 reject /^$/
 voice translation-profile reject_calls
   translate called 11


Rule number 2 addresses the case when the called number field is empty. We mapped this profile to the dial-peers responsible for the incoming calls and specified that calls with the numbers in the translation rule must be rejected.

dial-peer voice 3456 pots
description ===Incoming_Calls===
call-block translation-profile incoming reject_calls
call-block disconnect-cause incoming call-reject
incoming called-number

Lessons learned:

Be careful when you develop and implement your dial patterns, as errors in this space can cost you quite a lot of money 😉

VoIP is a complex technology and this complexity can lead to all types of vulnerabilities, as Daniel and Enno are going to show in their talk at Troopers 2012. Toll fraud is still quite common and happens all the time, as you can see in an ERNW newsletter from 2009 covering a similar story from another environment.

On a side note:

The telco told us that our customer is the 8th customer affected by a toll fraud issue in the last two months. According to the telco all eight companies are in the same city, and the initial VoIP deployment at our customer was performed by an external service provider.

Maybe the same service provider has done the deployment in the other companies too…

Have a great day,

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No Connectivity — No Malware Protection

During a recent penetration test, we evaluated the security of a typical corporate employee notebook. It was to be assessed whether employees with a default corporate user account would be able to gain administrative access and subsequently abuse the system for attacks against a certain high value database system. When evaluating this problem set, the first step is to find ways to bring tools and exploit code on the system. Usually this task requires the bypassing of the malware protection agent of the system. At some point, we thought we figured a way to encode exploits and payloads in a way that would not be detected by the malware protection solution. Continue reading “No Connectivity — No Malware Protection”

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Python Library for De- and Encoding of WCF-Binary streams

In a .NET environment WCF services can use the proprietary WCF binary XML protocol described here. Microsoft uses this protocol to save some time parsing the transmitted XML data. If you have to (pen-) test such services, it would be nice to read (and modify) the communication between (for example) clients and servers. One possibility is Fiddler.

Fiddler’s strengths include its extensibility and its WCF binary plugins. Sadly, these plugins can only decode and display the binary content as XML text.

Our first tool of choice for webapp pentests (Burp Suite) has also a plugin feature, and one can also find plugins for decoding (and encoding XML back to) WCF binary streams. But all WCF binary plugins out there are based on the .NET library which means one either has to work on MS Windows or with Mono. Another disadvantage is the validation and auto-correction feature of such libraries… not very useful for penetration testing 😉

That’s why we decided to write a small python library according to Microsoft’s Open Specification which enables us to decode and encode WCF binary streams. The library has a rudimentary commandline interface for converting XML to WCF binary and vice versa, as well as a plugin for our python-to-Burp plugin (pyBurp).

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