
TROOPERS20 Training Teaser: Insight Into Windows Internals

Windows 10 is one of the most commonly deployed operating systems at this time. Knowledge about its components and internal working principles is highly beneficial. Among other things, such a knowledge enables:

  • in-depth studies of undocumented, or poorly documented, system functionalities;
  • development of performant and compatible software to monitor or extend the activities of the operating system itself; and
  • analysis of security-related issues, such as persistent malware.

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TROOPERS20 Training Teaser: Hacking 101

Hi there,
like in recent years the popular Hacking 101 workshop will take place on TROOPERS20, too! The workshop will give you an insight into the hacking techniques required for penetration testing. These techniques will cover various topics:

  • Information gathering
  • Network scanning
  • Web application hacking
  • Low-level exploitation

…and more!

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TROOPERS20 Training Teaser: Windows & Linux Binary Exploitation

We are happy to announce that TROOPERS20 will feature the 5th anniversary of the popular Windows & Linux Binary Exploitation workshop!

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to exploit those nasty stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities by applying the theoretical methods taught in this course to hands-on exercises. Exercises will be performed for real world (32-bit) software such as the Foxit Reader Plugin for Firefox, Wireshark, and nginx.

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TelcoSecDay 2020 CFP is open

We are back again with another TelcoSecDay 2020 (TSD20) which is going to happen on March 16th, 2020 as an additional event to TROOPERS. This year, it is going to be on Monday of the TROOPERS week. We are delighted to inform that the event is happening for the 9th year in a row. The CFP is open now. If you have an interesting topic related to the field of Telco Security, please make a submission. The deadline is November 17, 2019. The final notification for TSD submission is December 20, 2019.

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Troopers 19 – Badge Hardware

This post by Jeff (@jeffmakes) was delayed due to interferences with other projects but nevertheless, enjoy!

This year, it was my great honour to design the hardware for the Troopers19 badge.

We wanted to make a wifi-connected MicroPython-powered badge; something that would be fun to take home and hack on. It was a nice opportunity to use a microcontroller platform that I hadn’t tried before. I also used the project as a chance to finally migrate my PCB workflow from Eagle to Kicad. Inevitably it was a painful transition, which resulted in quite some delay to the project as I floundered around in the new tool, but it does mean the design files are in an open format which I hope will benefit the community of Troopers attendees and future badge designers!

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#TR19 Next Generation Internet (NGI) Summaries

This blogpost contains summaries of talks from this year’s TROOPERS19 Active Directory Security Track.

Microsoft IT (Secure) Journey to IPv6-Only

Veronika McKillop, Network Architect, Cloud and Connectivity Engineering (CCE)

The speaker, Veronika McKillop, working at Microsofts network infrastructure services, has given a talk about the process of switching a company network from IPv4 to IPv6-only. Continue reading “#TR19 Next Generation Internet (NGI) Summaries”

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#TR19 Active Directory Security Summaries

This blogpost contains summaries of talks from this year’s TROOPERS19 Active Directory Security Track.

From Workstation to Domain Admin: Why Secure Administration Isn’t Secure and How to Fix It by Sean Metcalf

Active Directory is probably used in almost every corporation today to administer all kinds of Authorization, Authentication and Privileges. This means they are valuable targets for attackers, because once compromised they could do whatever they want. This would be the worst case scenario, right? Therefore securing AD is important and this year TROOPERS19 featured a whole track solely for AD Security.

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#TR19 Attack & Research Summaries

This blogpost contains summaries of talks from this year’s TROOPERS19 Attack & Research Track.

VXLAN Security or Injection, and protection

The talk “VXLAN Security or Injection, and protection” was held by Henrik Lund Kramshøj, who is the owner of Zencurity ApS, a small security company located in Denmark.

Henrik gives an overview about lesser known VXLAN insecurities, mostly packet spoofing.

In the end he gives advice how to protect against this attacks.

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Troopers & Chill…

As promised in my previous post, I am back for an overview of the Troopers19 – Active Directory related talks… Videos have been published and it’s popcorn time… So if you are into stories about Kingdoms and Crown Jewels, grab your loved one [or a drink…] and turn the lights down low, ’cause tonight it’s “Troopers & Chill…”

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Troopers 19 – Hack your badge

Sadly, TROOPERS 19 is already over. I had great fun meeting all of you, helping you with your badge problems and seeing others hacking on their badges for example to get custom images on there.

With this year’s badge we wanted to give you something you can reuse after the conference, learn new things new build something on your own.

As promised in our talk Jeff and I would like to give you a short introduction into the badge internals. Along with this post we will release the source code for the badge firmware, the provisioning server and the schematics for the PCB.

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