
Some Design Aspects of Hacking Challenges

We’re currently starting the preparation for the Troopers15 PacketWars Challenge, and since I’ve participated in quite some CTF games and have been involved in the preparation of a number of PacketWars Battles, I thought I’d write down some thoughts on the design of hacking challenges.

First of all, my experience is limited almost exclusively to attack-defend-CTFs or interactive war games (such as PacketWars or CCDC). While thinking about this blogpost, I also came across several terms which are used, so I decided to give a short summary:

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Telco Research 2015

Hello and a happy new year 2015 to everybody!

As follow up of our 2014 talk “LTE vs. Darwin” I want to inform you about our telco research in 2015. We are currently dealing with the so called IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), which handles the call and media logic of 4G telecommunication networks. This network part provides functions like VoIP (or VoLTE) and takes care of the interconnection to other call or media related networks.
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Revisiting an Old Friend: Shell Globbing

One interesting observation we make when testing complex environments is that at the bottom of huge technology stacks, there is usually a handful of shell scripts doing interesting stuff. More often than not these helper scripts are started as part of cron jobs running as root and perform basic administrative tasks like compressing and copying log files or deleting leftover files in temporary directories. Of course, these high privileges make them an interesting target for privilege escalation attacks and one class of vulnerability we reliably encounter in shell scripts is unsafe handling of globbing or filename expansions. Continue reading “Revisiting an Old Friend: Shell Globbing”

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IPv6 Hardening Guide for Linux Servers

We were recently approached by a customer asking us for support along the lines of “do you have any recommendations as for strict hardening of IPv6 parameters on Linux systems?”. It turned out that the systems in question process quite sensitive data and are located in certain, not too big network segments with very high security requirements.

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