
Jigsaw RDPuzzle: Piecing Attacker Actions Together

In a recent incident response project, we had the chance to virtually look over the attackers’ shoulder and observe their activities. The attackers used the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for lateral movement within the compromized environment and beyond (MITRE techniques T1570, T1021). As a matter of fact, RDP creates cache files that contain tiles of the transferred screen recording data. While this fact is well-known and there are existing tools, we found it worth reporting because of two different aspects:

  • On the one hand, we want to raise awareness for this valuable piece of evidence, explain how it works, how tooling works and how it can be used. In this particular case, the analysis of those cache files yielded valuable insights into the attackers’ activity and allowed further measures.
  • On the other hand, we found it exciting to look over the attacker’s shoulder, see the desktop as they saw it, and the commands they typed. We want to share parts of those insights as far as we are able to show them publicly.

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Building, Misc

BMBF UNCOVER – Monitoring von Sicherheitsvorfällen in Fahrzeugen

English Abstract

For the realization and introduction of autonomous vehicles, the safe interaction of functions, systems and services as well as their monitoring over the entire product life cycle is essential. An exclusive security-by-design approach is no longer sufficient and must be continuously supported by feedback obtained from in-the-wild operation. This is where the recently successfully completed joint project BMBF UNCOVER comes into play, which targets the requirements of the standards ISO/SAE 21434 (Road vehicles – Cybersecurity engineering) and ISO 21448 (Road vehicles – Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF)).

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Identification of (malicious) modifications in memory-mapped image files

I’m happy to announce the publication of the paper Windows memory forensics: Identification of (malicious) modifications in memory-mapped image files at this years DFRWS USA, and the release of the corresponding volatility plugin. With this research came also an update to the Ptenum family (affecting especially the ptemalfind plugin), which makes the plugins reliable in identifying modified pages despite memory combining, so make sure to grab the newest version from the Github repository.

This blog post will mainly cover the imgmalfind plugin and some use cases. For detailed information on the theory behind the plugins, see the paper.

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Release of PTE Analysis plugins for Volatility 3

I’m happy to announce the release of several plugins for Volatility 3 that allow you to dig deeper into the memory analysis. One of those plugins is PteMalfind, which is essentially an improved version of malfind. Another one is PteResolve which, similarly to the WinDBG command !pte, allows you to inspect Page Table Entry (PTE) information for e.g., a given virtual address. In this blog post we will have a closer look at these and more plugins, and the PteEnumerator base class and what you can do with it. The memory dump used for this blog post is available here. Some of the injection tools used in this blog post can be gathered from here.

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Analysis of HSTS Caches of Different Browsers

The Reason

I recently stumbled upon a strange behavior in my Firefox: I visited an HTTPS-enabled website that I had visited before and saw that my Firefox connected insecurely via HTTP. I found that strange because nowadays, most websites set the HSTS header, which is supposed to force the browser to connect via HTTPS. I checked whether this website set the HSTS header – and it did. This means my Firefox was ignoring/forgetting about the HSTS header right after my visit. Continue reading “Analysis of HSTS Caches of Different Browsers”

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ERNW Whitepaper 71 – Analysis of Anti-Virus Software Quarantine Files

I am glad to announce the release of the ERNW whitepaper 71 containing information about quarantine file formats of different AV software vendors. It is available here.

Anti-Virus Software

I took quarantine files from real-life incidents and created some in a lab environment. Afterwards I tried to identify metadata, like timestamps, path names, malware names, and the actual malicious file in the quarantine files. One goal was to use this information to support our incident analyses: Using the results, we can now easily create timelines showing information about quarantined files, extract the detected malware, and sometimes even find information about processes that created the malicious files. Continue reading “ERNW Whitepaper 71 – Analysis of Anti-Virus Software Quarantine Files”

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Building, Misc

How can data from fitness trackers be obtained and analyzed with a forensic approach?

The use of Internet of Things devices is continuously increasing: People buy devices, such as smart assistants, to make their lives more comfortable or fitness trackers to assess sports activities. According to the Pew Research Center [1], every fifth American wears a device to track their fitness. In Germany, the number increases likewise. The increasing number of fitness trackers in use can also be seen in criminal proceedings, as there exist more and more cases where these devices provide evidence.

Which useful evidential information fitness trackers collect and how to analyze them forensically was part of a paper that we presented at WACCO 2020 this year [2]. The goal was to develop an open source program to support investigators analyzing data that fitness trackers provide and to give a general approach on how to analyze fitness trackers.

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Dissection of an Incident – Part 2

After our last blogpost regarding Emotet and several other Emotet and Ransomware samples that we encountered, we recently stumbled across a variant belonging to the Gozi, ISFB, Dreambot respectively Ursnif family. In this blogpost, we want to share our insights from the analysis of this malware, whose malware family is mainly known for being a banking trojan that typically tries to infect browser sessions and sniff/redirect data. In particular, we are going to provide details about the first stage Word Document, the embedded JavaScript/XSL document, an in-depth runtime analysis of the downloaded executable, and some details regarding detection.

Also, with this blog post, we are releasing a Rekall plugin called pointerdetector that enumerates all exported functions from all DLLs and searches the memory for any pointer to them (essentially a search for dynamically resolved APIs). This plugin can assist in identifying dynamically resolved APIs and especially memory regions containing DLLs loaded with techniques such as reflective DLL injection. This blog post will contain some examples illustrating the usage of this plugin, as well.

If you are interested in a hands-on analysis of Incidents and malicious files, we are giving another round of our Incident Analysis workshop at Troopers20.

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Comparison of our tool afro (APFS file recovery) with Blackbag Blacklight and Sleuthkit

At this years ARES conference, Jonas Plum (Siemens) and me (Andreas Dewald, ERNW Research GmbH) published a paper about the forensic analysis of APFS, file system internals and presented different methodologies for file recovery. We also publicly released a tool implementing our presented approaches, called afro (APFS file recovery).

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