Building, Misc

BMBF UNCOVER – Monitoring von Sicherheitsvorfällen in Fahrzeugen

English Abstract

For the realization and introduction of autonomous vehicles, the safe interaction of functions, systems and services as well as their monitoring over the entire product life cycle is essential. An exclusive security-by-design approach is no longer sufficient and must be continuously supported by feedback obtained from in-the-wild operation. This is where the recently successfully completed joint project BMBF UNCOVER comes into play, which targets the requirements of the standards ISO/SAE 21434 (Road vehicles – Cybersecurity engineering) and ISO 21448 (Road vehicles – Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF)).

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The DRACO Stream Cipher

In symmetric-key cryptography, we typically distinguish two types of encryption schemes: block ciphers and stream ciphers. Block ciphers divide a plaintext into blocks of a fixed size (e.g., 64 or 128 bits) and encrypt one such block of data as a whole. Stream ciphers, on the other hand, consider the plaintext as a continuous stream of data. The stream cipher maintains an internal state and in each step it outputs one bit or several bits and updates its internal state. The output bit stream is then combined with the plaintext, usually using the XOR operation. One advantage of stream ciphers is that their resource requirements are lower than those of block ciphers in many application scenarios. This makes them particularly useful in lightweight cryptography targeting resource constrained devices such as low-cost RFID tags.

In this blog post, we provide an overview over current developments in this area and introduce our new lightweight stream cipher DRACO, which was developed in cooperation with the Universität Mannheim (Alexander Moch, Matthias Krause) and the Universität Siegen (Vasily Mikhalev) and has recently been presented at FSE 2023 in Kobe, Japan.

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