Breaking, Building

DNS exfiltration case study

Lately, we came across a remote code execution in a Tomcat web service by utilizing Expression Language. The vulnerable POST body field expected a number. When sending ${1+2} instead, the web site included a Java error message about a failed conversion to java.lang.Long from java.lang.String with value "3".

From that error message we learned a couple of things:

  • The application uses Java
  • We are able to execute EL expressions
  • Output from the EL engine is always returned as String

Whenever you are able to execute code within a Java Context, the most interesting part is to check whether we can get a Runtime object and execute arbitrary OS commands.

Sending ${Runtime.getRuntime()} resolves to java.lang.Runtime@de30bb. Great, so we can use Runtime.exec(String cmd) to execute arbitrary code? Continue reading “DNS exfiltration case study”

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