
If they had used DLP…

this would not have happened. At least this is what $SOME_DLP_VENDOR might tell you.
Maybe, maybe not. It wouldn’t have happened if they’d followed “common security best practices” either. Like “not to process sensitive data on (presumably) private laptops” or “not to run file sharing apps on organizational ones” or “not to connect to organizational VPNs and home networks simultanously”. yadda yadda yadda.

Don’t get us wrong here. We’re well aware that these practices are not consistently followed in most organizations anyway. That’s part of human (and corporate) reality. And part of our daily challenge as infosec practitioners.

This incident just proves once more that quite some security problems have their origins in “inappropriate processes” which in turn are the results of “business needs”.
(all of which, of course, is a well-known platitude to you, dear reader ;-).

The problem of data leakage by file sharing apps is not new (e.g. see this paper), nor is the (at least our) criticism of DLP.

Did you notice how quiet it has become around DLP, recently? Even Rich Mogull – whom we still regard as _the authority_ on the subject – seems not to blog extensively about it anymore.
Possibly (hopefully), we can observe the silent death of another overhyped, unneeded “security technology”…

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