Last week I had the pleasure to give you my impressions regarding my experience about hacking for b33r at Ghent, that is, my participation at BruCON 2014 hacking conference. As I said among else, the reason that I was there was to present Chiron, my IPv6 penetration testing/security assessment framework, which was supported by the Brucon 5×5 program. The first version of Chiron had been presented at Troopers 14, during theIPv6 Security Summit.
In the context of an internal evaluation, we recently had a look at most of the burp plugins available from the BApp store. The following overview represents our personal top 9 plugins, categorized in “Scanner Extensions”, “Manual Testing” and “Misc” in alphabetic order: Continue reading “ERNW’s Top 9 Burp Plugins”
once again, we welcomed Michael Ossmann at the ERNW headquarters for fun with SDR. This time with Mike´s advanced SDR workshop. And to be up front about it…it was plain awesome. For everybody who is not familiar with Software Defined Radio (SDR): Let’s regard it as the ultimate tool when working with radio signals. Take a look a this to learn more.
Mike showed us the new revision of his HackRF One and explained us some more advanced techniques when it comes to Radio Frequnecies hacking. Compared to last time, the workshop focused on reversing signals and how to synthesize them. So this time we were crafting RF packets ourselves instead of just replaying a capture. This introduces different attack types which can be carried out over the air for example bruteforcing or fuzzing of radio devices.
We thought about some devices that would be worth taking a look at because you probably dont want to start reversing your car`s remote key.So we ended up analyzing “simpler” devices for training purposes and decided to mess around with a Shutter remote control and an Instant Messaging device.
The remote shutter control operates the shutter of a DSRL so you can take pictures without holding the camera in your hands. So a user could focus the cam and take pictures. An attacker on the other hand could take pictures when the camera is not supposed to or simply jam the reciever to prevent from pictures being taken. This was quite easy and worked very well, so we went on to other interesting devices…
Mike brought a modified version of the IM-Me (Instant Messenging device for children). We tried to record and analyze its signals to be able to spoof messages and run arbitrary shell commands on a remote system that has installed a special “IM-Me” Server application based on previous research. Our goal was to synthesize commands which are sent to the device e.g “ls”. The first step in doing this is to capture a clean signal and filter it properly to be able to demodulate the signal into binary data to process it further. Mike explaind pretty handy tricks to accomplish these tasks on which we will talk about in further posts, so stay tuned.
If yo are interested in the IM-me take a look at this and this to learn more.
So THANKS a lot Mike. It once again has been quite interesting to see
where RF testing is heading and how much more is to be learned on this field.
While fairytales often start with “Once upon a time…”, our blogposts often start with “During a recent security assessment…” — and so does this one. This time we were able to spend some time on VMware’s vCenter Operations Manager (herein short: VCOPS). VCOPS is a monitoring solution for load and health of your vSphere environment. In order to provide this service, two virtual machines (analytics engine and Web-based UI) must be deployed (as a so-called vApp) that are configured on startup by various scripts (mainly /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/install/ to match the actual environment and communicate via an OpenVPN tunnel that is established directly between the two machines. To gather the monitoring data, read-only access to the vCenter is required.
In the “A Novel Way of Abusing IPv6 Extension Headers to Evade IPv6 Security Devices” blogpost I described a way to evade a high-end commercial IDPS device, the Tipping Point IDPS (TOS Tipping Point, Package and vaccine digital), by abusing a minor detail at the IPv6 specification. As I promised at the end of that blogpost, this is not the end. In this blogpost I am going to describe several new and different ways of evading another popular IDPS, an open-source one this time, Suricata.
Recently we started playing around with Cisco’s virtual router, the CSR 1000V, while doing some protocol analysis. We found Cisco offering an BIN file for download (alternatively there is an ISO file which contains a GRUB boot loader and the BIN file, or an OVA file which contains a virtual machine description and the ISO file) and file(1) identifies it as DOS executable:
$ file csr1000v-universalk9.03.12.00.S.154-2.S-std.SPA.bin
csr1000v-universalk9.03.12.00.S.154-2.S-std.SPA.bin: DOS executable (COM)
We didn’t manage to get the file running, neither in a (Free-)DOS environment, nor in a wine virtual DOS environment, except using the boot loader from the ISO file. So we became curious as for the structure and ingredients of the file.
As we continue our research in the 3GPP protocol world, there is a new tool for you to play with. It is called s1ap_enum and thats also what it does 😉
The tool itself is written in erlang, as i found no other free ASN.1 parser that is able to parse those fancy 3GPP protocol specs. It connects to an MME on sctp/36412 and tries to initiate a S1AP session by sending an S1SetupRequest PDU. To establish a S1AP session with an MME the right MCC and MNC are needed in the PLMNIdentity. The tool tries to guess the right MCC/MNC combinations. It comes with a preset of known MCC/MNC pairs from, but can try all other combinations as well.
As it is well known to the IPv6 enthusiasts, one of the most significant changes that IPv6 brings with it, apart from supporting a really huge address space, is the improved support for Extensions and Options, which is achieved by the usage of IPv6 Extension headers. According to RFC 2460, “changes in the way IP header options are encoded allows for more efficient forwarding, less stringent limits on the length of options, and greater flexibility for introducing new options in the future.” So, by adding IPv6 Extension headers, according to the designers of the protocol, flexibility and efficiency in the IP layer is improved.
This can definitely be the case, but apart from it, it has already been shown that by abusing IPv6 Extension headers several security issues may arise (see for example my presentations at Black Hat Abu Dhabi 2012 and at the IPv6 Security Summit @ Troopers 13). This is why Enno Rey by talking straight to the point at the latest IPv6 Security Summit @ Troopers 14 described the IPv6 Extension headers as a “mess”!
In the course of a recent penetration test, we came across an Image validation vulnerability in Django when using the Python-Imaging-Library (PIL) which we want to explain in this post.
Everybody who doesn’t know what Django and/or the PIL is:
Django is a framework to create web applications with Python (comparable to Rails or Zend). The PIL is a powerful standard python library which provides a toolset to modify, display and verify images of many different formats.
Applications that support the upload of images and validate the file type of those images using the PIL contain an interesting attack vector. For this attack vector, the most interesting image formats are X Bitmap (xbm) and the similar X PixMap (xpm). These two types are text based image files, which contain code to create a monochrome (xbm) or 256 color (xpm) image. In a web server system, these files can be abused to put content (eg. Python/PHP/Code or HTML files) on the server, as long as they pass the image validation process.
This results in the following possible exploitation scenario:
Every system with a Django-Server and PHP-enabled webserver sharing the same document root folder is a possible target for the described, as long as the storage paths for uploaded content are known, accessible and the content and extension of the uploaded files remain untouched (e.g.: no conversion takes place). Those paths can often be guessed as there are several default options.
Uploading python code is also an option, but may only be exploitable in case it is possible to upload to the main folder of the django application (to add malicious functionality). This scenario also requires wide knowledge about the used application, since it is required to find a way to make the application call the code in the uploaded source-files. In addition to this, Django has a very strict policy that forces the administrator to manually add any application to the Django-Server configuration. Even if the upload of a new django app succeeds, it will not be executed by the server, because it is not added to the configuration file yet. For this example, we thus resorted to the scenario with a PHP-enabled server.
To illustrate this scenario, I’m using the django-avatar app on an Xubuntu machine. First of all, a minimal configuration of django-avatar and apache was set up, running in the same document root folder, enabling us to upload avatars for a specific user using the avatar application.
Notice the following default values of django-avatar that enable us to actually exploit this scenario:
Hashing for filenames and userdirnames is disabled by default which makes it easy to determine the path where uploaded content is stored. But even if these options are enabled, it is still possible to access the file- and username directory by just using the corresponding MD5 hashes (no salt is applied).
The most important setting is ALLOWED_FILE_EXTS, which allows every PIL validated image to be uploaded when set to None. Setting this parameter to comma separated strings will lead to exclusively accepting the given extensions [e.g. (“jpg”, “gif”,) leads to only accepting “.jpg” and “.gif ”-files].
To start the exploitation and upload an actual image, we have to login and then browse to the /avatar/add sub-URL, showing the following website:
It is a simple upload page which allows setting avatars. The avatar is not being displayed, since it is not set yet.
We are now uploading a simple xbm file (script.php) with the following content:
Lines starting with a # are comments in xbm definitions. The part after line 3 is the Javascript to empty the page and the PHP-payload, which we use to execute arbitrary PHP code on the server. The actual image is not defined, but PIL will still recognize this file as a valid image, since it contains all the relevant syntax for a valid xbm image and ends with a ;. What comes after line 3 is just ignored by the PIL parser, since it is irrelevant to the image. So the PIL will verify the image and will allow the app to save the image in the avatar directory, where an additional resized version of the image is being generated and saved. The original file will be stored in the directory without any changes to filename, extension and content (except for a hashed filename, if enabled).
After uploading the file, a new avatar is created for the user which appears on disk and in the django admin panel:
Given the apache server is running in the same directory, we now have our own php file on the server and can access all php functions. In our PoC we see the cleaned website with the additional PHP-Version information:
This process can be further exploited, since django-avatar will not overwrite files (instead create a renamed version of the same file: test.jpg and test_1.jpg) and stores old avatars when operating in default settings. Instead of uploading a harmless script to display the server version it is possible to upload a full php webshell and then further exploit the underlying webserver.
The django developers explicitly warn (see “Where should this code live?”) administrators to not run a classic server system (e.g. Apache) in the same directory as the django-server, meaning the overall chance of exploitation is low. Additionally exploitation is only possible if files are stored with their original extension, since the PHP-server will interpret the files depending on their file extension.
Even though this is not a vulnerability in the Django framework (it actually is a kind of a specific scenario), we still need to put more attention to this possible design pitfall, when using powerful libraries like the PIL. We further recommend the following best practices when developing Django applications or any upload-enabled web applications:
• Restrict (image-)file formats
• Do not store the original file on the disk, but instead convert every file to a specific format and only store the converted files.
• Delete unused data
• Set default values as safe as possible (people are lazy and tend to leave things that run untouched)
With this said: Happy coding and until next time! 🙂
On Saturday, April 26 Microsoft announced that Internet Explorer version 6 until version 11 is under potential risk against drive-by attacks from malicious websites, regardless of the underlying Microsoft operating system and the associated memory protection features integrated with the operating system. Microsoft has assigned CVE-2014-1776 to this unknown use-after-free vulnerability, which in the worst case could allow remote code execution if a user views a specially crafted website. If an attacker successfully exploits this vulnerability, s/he will gain the same rights and privileges as the current user (once again, activated User Account Control [UAC] helps keeping privileges of the user low).
The recommended mitigating controls from Microsoft, especially unregistering the VGX.DLL library has led to the misunderstanding, that many people thought the vulnerability is located in the VGX.DLL library. That is wrong. Instead, the vulnerability is located in mshtml.dll, mshtml.tlb, Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml, and Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml and therefore unregistering of the above library does not globally mitigate the vulnerability. It only mitigates a specific attack vector where Vector Markup Language (VML) is being used during the attack. Continue reading “The Role of VGX.DLL in the Context of the Latest IE 0-Day”