Most of you that are pentesters may have already tested plenty of webservices using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)for communication. Typically, such SOAP messages are transferred over HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and are encapsulated in XML (Extensible Markup Language). Microsoft has developed different representations of this protocols to reduce the network load. As these representations/protocols aren’t really covered by typical tools out there, this post will show you some of them, and a proxy which can be used to simplify the testing.
I’ve recently found some sort of classic web vulnerabilities in the Google Search Appliance (GSA) and as they are now fixed [0][1][2], I’d like to share them with you.
First of all, some infrastructure details about the GSA itself. The GSA is used by companies to apply the Google search algorithms to their internal documents without publishing them to cloud providers. To accomplish this task, the GSA provides multiple interfaces including a search interface, an administrative interface and multiple interfaces to index the organization’s data. Continue reading “Classic Web Vulns Found in Google Search Appliance 7.4”
Python has reached a defacto standard in exploit development lifecycles and most of the proof of concept tools you’ll find out there are written in Python (besides the metasploit framework, which is written in Ruby). Python allows to write scripts handling with remote services, fiddling with binary data and interacting with C libraries (or Java in case of Jython/.Net in IronPython) in a fast and easy way. The huge standard library with it’s “battery included” principle removes some of the dependency hell known from other frameworks/languages. I want to share some of my python coding experiences with you, and maybe this could give some helpful tips for your future work, to make the world a bit safer 🙂 (PS: most of the examples are written in Python 3.x or compatible to both Python branches).
With HTML 5 the current web development moves from server side generated content and layout to client side generated. Most of the so called HTML5 powered websites use JavaScript and CSS for generating beautiful looking and responsive user experiences. This ultimately leads to the point were developers want to include or request third-party resources. Unfortunately all current browsers prevent scripts to request external resources through a security feature called the Same-Origin-Policy. This policy specifies that client side code could only request resources from the domain being executed from. This means that a script from can not load a resource from via AJAX(XHR/XmlHttpRequest).
As a consequence, the W3 consortium extended the specification that a set of special headers allows access from a cross domain via AJAX, the so called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). These headers belong to the Access-Control-Allow-* header group. A simple example of a server response allowing to access the resource data.xml from the domain is shown below:
The most important header for CORS is the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. It specifies from which domains access to the requested resource is allowed (in the previous example only scripts from the domain could access the resource). If the script was executed from another domain, the browser raises a security exception and drops the response from the server; otherwise JavaScript routines could read the response body as usual. In both cases the request was sent and reached the server. Consequently, server side actions are taking place in both situations.
To prevent this behavior, the specification includes an additional step. Before sending the actual request, a browser has to send an OPTIONS request to the resource (so called preflight request). If the browser detects (from the response of the preflight) that the actual request would conflict with the policy, the security exception is raised immediately and the original request never gets transmitted.
Additionally the OPTIONS response could include a second important header for CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
This header allows the browser to sent authentication/identification data with the desired request (HTTP-Authentication or cookies). And the best: this works also with HTTP-Only flags :).
As you may notice, the whole security is located in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, which specifies from which domains client side code is allowed to access the resource’s content. The whole problem arises when developers either due to laziness or simply due to unawareness) set a wildcard value:
This value allows all client side scripts to get the content of the resource (in combination with Access-Control-Allow-Credentials also to restricted resources).
That’s where I decided to create a simple proof of concept tool that turns the victim browser into a proxy for CORS enabled sites. The tool uses two parts. First, the which is used as an administrative console for the attacker to his victims. Second, the jstunnel.js which contains the client side code for connecting to the attacker’s server and for turning the browser into a proxy.
After starting the you could access the administrative console via http://localhost:8888. If no victims are connected you will see an almost empty page. Immediately after a victim executes the jstunnel.js file (maybe through a existing XSS vulnerability or because he is visiting a website controlled by you…) he will be displayed in a list on the left side. If you select a connected victim in the list, several options become available in the middle of the page:
Some information about the victim
Create an alert popup
Create a prompt
Try to get the cookies of the client from the site where the jstunnel.js gets executed
Use the victim as a proxy
Execute JS in the victims browser
View the current visible page (like screenshot, but it is rendered in your browser)
If you select the proxy option and specify a URL to proxy to, an additional port on the control server will be opened. From now on, all requests which you send to this port will be transferred to the victim and rerequested from his browser. The content of the response will be transferred back to the control server and displayed in your browser.
As an additional feature, all images being accessible by JavaScript, will be encoded in base64 and also transferred.
You will find a vulnerable server in the test directory
This kind of functionality is also implemented in the Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF), but I liked to have some lightweight and simple proof of concept to demonstrate the issue.
In a .NET environment WCF services can use the proprietary WCF binary XML protocol described here. Microsoft uses this protocol to save some time parsing the transmitted XML data. If you have to (pen-) test such services, it would be nice to read (and modify) the communication between (for example) clients and servers. One possibility is Fiddler.
Fiddler’s strengths include its extensibility and its WCF binary plugins. Sadly, these plugins can only decode and display the binary content as XML text.
Our first tool of choice for webapp pentests (Burp Suite) has also a plugin feature, and one can also find plugins for decoding (and encoding XML back to) WCF binary streams. But all WCF binary plugins out there are based on the .NET library which means one either has to work on MS Windows or with Mono. Another disadvantage is the validation and auto-correction feature of such libraries… not very useful for penetration testing 😉
That’s why we decided to write a small python library according to Microsoft’s Open Specification which enables us to decode and encode WCF binary streams. The library has a rudimentary commandline interface for converting XML to WCF binary and vice versa, as well as a plugin for our python-to-Burp plugin (pyBurp).
One of our favorite tools for conducting penetration tests (especially, but not only, web application tests) is Portswiggers’s Burp Suite. Burp allows to extend its features by writing own plugins. But because Burp is written in Java, it only supports Java classes as plugins. Additionally, Burp only allows to use one plugin at the same time which has to be loaded on start-up.
Now we have written a Burp-Python proxy (called pyBurp) which adds some features to the plugin system: