
Fuzzing VMDK files

As announced at last week’s #HITB2012AMS, I’ll describe the fuzzing steps which were performed during our initial research. The very first step was the definition of the interfaces we wanted to test. We decided to go with the plain text VMDK file, as this is the main virtual disk description file and in most deployment scenarios user controlled, and the data part of a special kind of VMDK files, the Host Sparse Extends.

The used fuzzing toolkit is dizzy which just got an update last week (which brings you guys closer to trunk state 😉 ).

The main VMDK file goes straight forward, fuzzing wise. Here is a short sample file:

# Disk DescriptorFile
# Extent description
RW 40960 VMFS "ts_2vmdk-flat.vmdk"
# The Disk Data Base
ddb.virtualHWVersion = "8"
ddb.longContentID = "c818e173248456a9f5d83051fffffffe"
ddb.uuid = "60 00 C2 94 23 7b c1 41-51 76 b2 79 23 b5 3c 93"
ddb.geometry.cylinders = "20"
ddb.geometry.heads = "64"
ddb.geometry.sectors = "32"
ddb.adapterType = "buslogic"


As one can easily see the file is plain text and is based upon a name=value syntax. So a fuzzing script for this file would look something link this:

name = "vmdkfile"
objects = [
    field("descr_comment", None, "# Disk DescriptorFile\n", none),

    field("version_str", None, "version=", none),
    field("version", None, "1", std),
    field("version_br", None, "\n", none),

    field("encoding_str", None, "encoding=", none),
    field("encoding", None, '"UTF-8"', std),
    field("encoding_br", None, "\n", none),
functions = []


The first field, descr_comment, and the second field, version_str,  are plain static, as defined by the last parameter, so they wont get mutated. The first actual fuzzed string is the version field, which got a default value of the string 1 and will be mutated with all strings in your fuzz library.

As the attentive reader might have noticed, this is just the first attempt, as there is one but special inconsistency in the example file above: The quoting. Some values are Quoted, some are not. A good fuzzing script would try to play with exactly this inconsistency. Is it possible to set version to a string? Could one set the encoding to an integer value?

The second file we tried to fuzz was the Host Sparse Extend, a data file which is not plain data as the Flat Extends, but got a binary file header. This header is parsed by the ESX host and, as included in the data file, might be user defined. The definition from VMware is the following:

typedef struct COWDisk_Header {
    uint32 magicNumber;
    uint32 version;
    uint32 flags;
    uint32 numSectors;
    uint32 grainSize;
    uint32 gdOffset;
    uint32 numGDEntries;
    uint32 freeSector;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32 cylinders;
            uint32 heads;
            uint32 sectors;
        } root;
        struct {
            char parentFileName[COWDISK_MAX_PARENT_FILELEN];
            uint32 parentGeneration;
        } child;
    } u;
    uint32 generation;
    char name[COWDISK_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char description[COWDISK_MAX_DESC_LEN];
    uint32 savedGeneration;
    char reserved[8];
    uint32 uncleanShutdown;
    char padding[396];
} COWDisk_Header;


Interesting header fields are all C strings (think about NULL termination) and of course the gdOffset in combination with numSectors and grainSize, as manipulating this values could lead the ESX host to access data outside of the user deployed data file.

So far so good, after writing the fuzzing scripts one needs to create a lot of VMDK files. This was done using dizzy:

./ -o file -d /tmp/vmdkfuzzing.vmdk -w 0 vmdkfile.dizz


Last but not least we needed to automate the deployment of the generated VMDK files. This was done with a simple shell script on the ESX host, using vim-cmd, a command line tool to administrate virtual machines.

By now the main fuzzing is still running in our lab, so no big results on that front, yet. Feel free to use the provided fuzzing scripts in your own lab. Find the two fuzzing scripts here and here. We will share more results, when the fuzzing is finished.

Have a nice day and start fuzzing 😉

Daniel and Pascal

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Releasing dizzy version 0.6

Hi @all,
today im releasing a new version of our famous fuzzing framework, dizzy. The version counts 0.6 by now and youll get some brand new features!

see the CHANGELOG:
– ssl support
– server side fuzzing mode
– command output
– new dizz funktions: lambda_length, csum, lambda_csum, lambda2_csum
– recursive mutation mode
– new dizz objects: fill
– new interaction objects: null_dizz
– reconnect option
– additional fuzzing values

find the sources here (90397f9ec11c8ec3db7f14cb4d38dd39e30f9791)



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pytacle preview


today I’ll give a short preview of my newest tool, pytacle. It is simply a little helper program to control gnuradio/airprobe/kraken/some_other_tools, convert their input/output and to find a use able clear/cipher text combination to break A5/1. In the end it should record, crack and decode/play a gsm phone call with ~5 mouse clicks.

Take a look at this video:

The code is not available yet, as its not finished 😉 the recording and cracking part are working, but the decoding doesn’t. I need to put some more time into the code, but there isn’t much spare in that time of the year 😀



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Week of releases – apnbf

Another day, another tool 😉

Today I’m proudly releasing the first version of apnbf, a small python script designed for enumerating valid APNs (Access Point Name) on a GTP-C speaking device. It tries to establish a new PDP session with the endpoint via sending a createPDPContextRequest. This request needs to include a valid APN, so one can easily distinguish from a valid APN (which will be answered with a createPDPContextResponse) and an invalid APN (which will be answered with an error indication message). In addition the tool also parses the error indication and displays the reason (which should be “Missing or unknown APN” in case of an invalid APN).

Don’t waste time, get the source here (5a122f198ea35b1501bc3859fd7e87aa57ef853a)



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Week of releases – gtp_scan-0.7

So, after having a completely new release yesterday, we will stay with already known but updated software today. You might have heard of gtp_scan before, which is a small python script for scanning mainly 3G and 4G devices and detecting GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol) enabled ports. As GTP is transported via UDP and we all know, UDP scanning is a pain, the tool uses the GTP build-in echo mechanism to detect GTP speaking ports. Since the last version I’ve implemented some new features:

  • Support of complete GTP spectrum (GTP-C, GTP-U, GTP’)
  • Support for scanning on SCTP
  • Improved result output, including validity check of response packages

Find the sources here (bbdcc8888ebb4739025395f8c1c253fa5fd2bb15).


have a nice one.


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Week of releases – dizzy

I’m proud to announce, today a new fuzzing framework will see the light of day. It’s called dizzy and was written because the tools we used for fuzzing in past didn’t match our requirements. Some (unique) features are:

  • Python based
  • Fast!
  • Can send to L2 as well as to upper layers (TCP/UDP/SCTP)
  • Ability to work with odd length packet fields (no need to match byte borders, so even single flags or 7bit long fields can be represented and fuzzed)
  • Very easy protocol definition syntax
  • Ability to do multi packet state-full fuzzing with the ability to use received target data in response.

We already had a lot of success using it, now you will be able to know the true promises.

Find the source here (c715a7ba894b44497b98659242fce52128696a17).


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Week of releases – loki-0.2.7

Today I’m going to open up the ‘Week of releases’, which means there will be some new software in the next days.

Lets start with a new version of loki. The version goes up to 0.2.7 and there are a lot of new features:

  • SCTP support in the base.
  • Invalid option and invalid header scan in the ICMP6 module.
  • On-line msg updates for neighbor messages in the RIP module.
  • New module for rewriting 802.1Q labels
  • Lots of small improvements and bug-fixes
  • Some new features I won’t tell right now, get the source and find them yourself 😉

Also there are new packages for gentoo, ubuntu-11.04 and fedora-15, also its the first time, packages for amd64 systems are available.


  • Package for gentoo – c29a6cca7a1f7394a473d4b50a1766e9f13fd5a5


    • Manifest – 9338ebcc6a3cb58478671f00cac3114efe5df337
  • Package for ubuntu 11.04 i386 – bf9fa05aa20677ac209126b78c3829940daaa8ee


    • pylibpcap – e30c9c8ab1a8e1ee3ddedd05475767dc9f85b526
  • Package for ubuntu 11.04 amd64 – 50f5c784f039a15613affd52e304e61fd2a16a58


    • pylibpcap – 9457644ef52fd6bfdb0da8790eee759cc4f76c8b
  • Package for fedora 15 i686 – 06398d9c8ca5fd0d80b0da65756b01bfe07652b4


    • pylibpcap – d7e2a9249cba4362d4e435643257ee6a89a412cf
    • libdnet-python – 83bbe3895a58d264190afaef586aba8c2bd921f4
  • Package for fedora 15 amd64 – 06c1fca3f8390cbe00e8e5c427327379c30222d6


    • pylibpcap – 62d8cc32ef42211584df439ace8f453a3822d5b1
    • libdnet-python – d8e969b35b2b5613f364525f21c8e0738a42e061



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update for your fuzzing toolkit

As I’m currently developing the ‘next gen’ state-full fuzzing framework @ERNW [called dizzy, to be released soon 😉 ], I will give you an updated set of fuzzing scripts from the ‘old world’.

Some of you will remember the 2008 release of sulley_l2, which was a modified version of the sulley fuzzing framework, enhanced with Layer 2 sending capabilities and a hole bunch of (L2) fuzzing scripts. All the blinking, rebooting, mem-corrupting ciscos gave us some attention. Back from then, we continued to write and use the fuzzing scripts, so the hole collection grew.

Find the latest version of the tool-set here.

If you take a look inside the ‘audits’ folder, you will find all the ERNW made fuzzing scripts. I’ll give you a short description on the most of them:

  • ARP – This are some basic ARP fuzzing scripts, mainly as reference L2 implementation, haven’t found anything interesting with them, yet.
  • BGP – Some scripts for the basic BGP packet types, has nothing to do with Layer2 but will kill some devices 😉
  • CAPWAP – Within our wireless research we also did some wireless mgmt-protocol fuzzing and came up with this scripts. (RFC5415)
  • CDP – Fuzzing scripts for Cisco’s discovery protocol. Most fun is gone here, as bugs were submitted and fixed by the time.
  • DOT1Q – One of the first L2 fuzzing scripts, building a tagged packet.
  • DTP – Fuzzing scripts for Cisco’s dynamic trunking protocol. Thats the one which make Ciscos blink like Christmas-Trees.
  • EXTREME – A hand full of scripts targeting Extreme’s  discovery protocol, those will create purple stack traces 😉
  • GTP – In the 3G / 4G research we did some GPRS tunneling protocol fuzzing, not finished yet.
  • IP – Also more a reference implementation.
  • ISL – As to be complete with the Vlan tagging there is also a script for Cisco’s ISL.
  • LLDP – Those scripts won’t work as expected, if you know why, drop me a mail, you will get dizzy first 😀
  • LWAPP – Also output from the wireless research, by that time this one randomly reboots access points.
  • OSPF – A script for fuzzing OSPF HELO packets, wont get any further, as sulley knows no state.
  • PNRP – Simon’s awesome PNRP fuzzing scripts.
  • PVST – Spanning Tree in a few flavors, if you ever need even more of that packets 😉
  • SNMP – Right, more like an ASN1 fuzzer, but provided some nice results.
  • UDLD – One more L2 protocol with a bunch of strings inside (watch out for the device-id).
  • VRRP – while implementing the VRRP attacks in loki, also did some fuzzing, obviously ;).
  • VTP – An other L2 based, Cisco only protocol, make devices blinking.
  • WLCCP – And the last one is again from our wireless research. Haven’t found anything interesting by fuzzing, but the loki module for this works nice.

So, thats all for now, have fun with the code and stay tuned for more tools on fuzzing to be finished/released soon.




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GTP_SCAN released

gtp_scan is a small python script that scans for GTP (GPRS tunneling protocol) speaking hosts. To discover those hosts it uses the GTP build in PING mechanism, it sends a GTP packet of the type ECHO_REQUEST and listens for an incoming GTP ECHO_REPLY. Its capable of generating ECHO_REQUESTS for GTP version 1 and GTP version 2. Also the script can scan for both, GTP-C and GTP-U (the control channel and the user data channel), only the port differs here.

In the output the received packet is displayed and the basic GTP header is dissected so one can see a GTP version 1 host answering a GTP version 2 ECHO_REQUEST with the ‘version not supported’ message.

Tests have shown that there are some strange services around, which answer to an GTP ECHO_REQUEST with a lot of weird data, which leads to ‘kind of’ false positive results but they can easily be discovered by checking the output data with your brain 😉 (eg. there is no GTP version 12)

download it here gtp_scan-0.5.tar.gz



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