
CVE-2025-20908: Use of insufficiently random values in Samsung’s Auracast implementation

As part of our research into the Auracast feature set in Bluetooth, we also started looking into vendor implementations. At the time we started with our research, there weren’t a lot of products on the market yet. But new products are coming out pretty frequently now.

One of the vendors that had Auracast implemented pretty early was Samsung. At the time the Samsung Galaxy S23 and S24 phones were able to broadcast Audio, while the Galaxy Buds were able to join these broadcasts.

In our previous blog post we analyze the security of Auracast broadcasts. In short, broadcasts can be encrypted by specifying a so-called Broadcast Code (or Passcode). We show that the key derivation used to derive an AES key from the Broadcast Code is not sufficient to properly protect the broadcast. The weak key derivation, combined with the way the encryption works, allows an attacker to perform an efficient offline brute-force attack against captured Auracast packets. However, when the Broadcast Code is chosen properly, this attack can be made very difficult and likely economically unreasonable.

However, we found that the Bluetooth specification is lacking in this regard. Both the specification of the Broadcast Code itself, and the example values given in the specification and other documents are inadequate.

This, in our opinion, inadequate specification and the poorly chosen examples of Broadcast Codes lead us to suspect that vendors may not be aware of the requirements for a secure Broadcast Code.

This is essentially what happened with Samsung’s implementation.

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Breaking, Misc

Part I: Bluetooth Auracast from a Security Researcher’s Perspective

Auracast, the new Bluetooth LE Broadcast Audio feature has gained some publicity in the past months. The Bluetooth SIG has introduced the LE Audio feature-set to the Bluetooth 5.2 Specification in 2019 and vendors are only now starting to implement it. Auracast facilitates broadcasting audio over Bluetooth LE to a potentially unlimited number of devices. It does not require pairing or interaction between the sender and the receivers.

We also presented this topic at 38c3. This blog post will contain similar contents albeit with some more details.

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Jasper Reports Library Code Injection

During the past year we had several projects where our target application used Jasper Reports in some way. In a few of the cases we found an API that offered to render a template along with some arguments into a PDF file. This was done with the help of the Jasper Reports Java library. Due to the way the library and the expression mechanism works, this endpoint gave us the possibility to inject Java code and gain remote code execution on the target systems.

In this blog post we want to provide an overview over the Jasper Reports Java library in terms of security especially with regard to expression injection attacks.

TL;DR; If you come across an API that lets you freely define a Jasper Report template you very likely have code execution. Or to put it differently: Never let Jasper Report templates be user or attacker controlled.

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Breaking, Misc

Change Your BLE Passkey Like You Change Your Underwear

Using a static passkey for Bluetooth Low Energy pairing is insecure. Recent versions of the Bluetooth specification contain an explicit warning about this. However, in practice, we often see static passkeys being used. Moreover, there are no public implementations of proofs-of-concept that can practically show why using a static passkey is an issue. This is why we implemented one.

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Breaking, Misc

fpicker: Fuzzing with Frida


In this post, I will introduce fpicker. Fpicker is a Frida-based coverage-guided, mostly in-process, blackbox fuzzing suite. Its most significant feature is the AFL++ proxy mode which enables blackbox in-process fuzzing with AFL++ on platforms supported by Frida. In practice, this means that fpicker enables fuzzing binary-only targets with AFL++ on potentially any system that is supported by Frida. For example, it allows fuzzing a user-space application on the iOS operating system, such as the Bluetooth daemon bluetoothd – which was part of the original motivation to implement fpicker.
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Breaking, Building, Events

ACM WiSec 2020

Last week I attended ACM WiSec. Of course, only virtually. The first virtual conference I attended. Coincidentally, it was also the first conference I presented at. While the experience was quite different from a “real” conference, the organizers did a great job to make the experience as good as possible with, for example, a mattermost instance to interact with other conference participants.

In the following, I will list a few talks and papers that I either found very interesting or that generally stood out to me:

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PSD2 – Mandatory Account Access for Third Party Providers

On September 14th the final deadline of complying with the new Payment Service Directive PSD2 will be reached. Among other things, this directive will bring quite a few technical challenges for credit institutions. These include new requirements on two-factor authentication and API access for third parties. In this blog post we will give a short overview of what this means for banks from a security perspective and outline a few of the security-related issues based on what we have been observing during recent assessments of such APIs.

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