
Get your hands dirty playing with RFID/NFC

This is a guest blog post by Nahuel Grisolia.

The first time I’ve heard about RFID was at high school, back in 2002, when I was studying Electronics. Back in that time, this technology was like some sort of black magic to me. A few years later in 2011, our government in Argentina decided to implement a “new technology” called NFC, designed as the new and only way of payment for the use of public transport. So, I decided to understand it better, play with it, and try some hacks I heard from the cool people of the CCC.

I can remember that I bought a Proxmark3 for about 5 times the cost it has today, without even knowing whether I would be able to understand how it worked. I also researched and looked for cheaper alternatives so I also bought an SCL3711 and an ACR122u. While waiting for them to arrive home – Buenos Aires, Argentina – (three weeks at least) I literally ate all the papers from that time, about cracking the keys of a thing called “Mifare Classic”.  I also studied and played with different technologies and implementations, low frequency tags, transponders for ink bottles, etc. As I like to show and teach what I learn, I remember putting all the information I was “eating” into slides. All of this, without even knowing that, few years later, in 2013, I was given the chance, for the first time, to explain and teach my experiences at TROOPERS ’13. A one-day RFID/NFC workshop, in Heidelberg, Germany, and my first time in Europe. Yay!
A year later I met Phil and, at Enno’s request, we decided to join forces and created a two-day RFIC/NFC Security workshop. This training is quite unique in terms of the topics covered (NFC security & privacy) and its extensive coverage of the many different RFID/NFC hacking tools and technologies. This year, we are calling it “Get your hands dirty playing with RFID/NFC“ because attendees will enjoy playing with RFID/NFC+ devices. SCL3711, ACR122U, Proxmark3, HydraNFC and more. During both days people attending will deal with different types of the most common transponders that can be found in the wild (aka tags, tokens, etc.) and we are going to do more tinkering, hacking and hands-on than ever, starting right away from the very first day, without tons of theory. All the info can be found following this link:
Hope to see you there!