Inspiriert durch die erfolgreichen Round-Table-Diskussionen der TROOPERS-Konferenz freuen wir uns, Ihnen heute mit dem Medical Device Security Summit 2019, eine weitere Veranstaltung in einer Reihe zu Trend-Themen im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit vorzustellen.
We are back again with another TelcoSecDay 2020 (TSD20) which is going to happen on March 16th, 2020 as an additional event to TROOPERS. This year, it is going to be on Monday of the TROOPERS week. We are delighted to inform that the event is happening for the 9th year in a row. The CFP is open now. If you have an interesting topic related to the field of Telco Security, please make a submission. The deadline is November 17, 2019. The final notification for TSD submission is December 20, 2019.
Recently, I discovered a sandbox breakout in the Groovy Sandbox used by the Jenkins script-security Plugin in their Pipeline Plugin for build scripts. We responsibly disclosed this vulnerability and in the current version of Jenkins it has been fixed and the according Jenkins Security Advisory 2019-09-12 has been published. In this blogpost I want to report a bit on the technical details of the vulnerability.
On September 14th the final deadline of complying with the new Payment Service Directive PSD2 will be reached. Among other things, this directive will bring quite a few technical challenges for credit institutions. These include new requirements on two-factor authentication and API access for third parties. In this blog post we will give a short overview of what this means for banks from a security perspective and outline a few of the security-related issues based on what we have been observing during recent assessments of such APIs.
This is meant to be the first part of a 3-part series discussing the space & types of IP addresses, with a particular focus on what has changed between IPv4 and IPv6. In this first post I’ll take the audience through a historical tour of some developments within the IPv4 address space.
Some weeks ago, Heinrich and I had the pleasure to participate in the heisec-Webinar “Emotet bei Heise – Lernen aus unseren Fehlern”. We really enjoyed the webinar and the (alas, due to the format: too short) discussions and we hope we could contribute to understand how to make Active Directory implementations out there a bit safer in the future.
During security assessments we sometimes obtain access to a restricted shell on a target system. To advance further and gain complete control of the system, the next step is usually to break out of this shell. If the restricted shell provides access to certain system binaries, these binaries can often be exploited to perform such a break out. Here we would like to show an interesting example of such a break out by using the tcpdump binary. Continue reading “How to break out of restricted shells with tcpdump”
While waiting for a download to complete, I stumbled across an interesting blogpost. The author describes a flaw in LibreOffice that allowed an attacker to execute code. Since this was quite recent, I was interested if my version is vulnerable to this attack and how they fixed it. Thus, I looked at the sources and luckily it was fixed. What I didn’t know before however was, that macros shipped with LibreOffice are executed without prompting the user, even on the highest macro security setting. So, if there would be a system macro from LibreOffice with a bug that allows to execute code, the user would not even get a prompt and the code would be executed right away. Therefor, I started to have a closer look at the source code and found out that exactly this is the case!
This post by Jeff (@jeffmakes) was delayed due to interferences with other projects but nevertheless, enjoy!
This year, it was my great honour to design the hardware for the Troopers19 badge.
We wanted to make a wifi-connected MicroPython-powered badge; something that would be fun to take home and hack on. It was a nice opportunity to use a microcontroller platform that I hadn’t tried before. I also used the project as a chance to finally migrate my PCB workflow from Eagle to Kicad. Inevitably it was a painful transition, which resulted in quite some delay to the project as I floundered around in the new tool, but it does mean the design files are in an open format which I hope will benefit the community of Troopers attendees and future badge designers!