
Diversity, Community, Blackhoodie

Gender equality in the Infosec world as a topic of discussion comes with a lot of heated arguments and differences in opinion.
So let me start with some disclaimers on the target audience for this post. If you are in the category who believes everything about gender is perfect in the infosec world, this post is not for you. If you are in the category who believes gender and bringing diversity is not your area of interest, then this post is not for you either. There are so many interesting problems that the world offers you. Climate change, poverty, diseases, unemployment, addiction, science problems and what not. Everybody has the freedom to choose their area of interest and contribute towards it. If you are in the category who thinks gender equality in infosec needs some attention and would like to explore more on the topic without prejudices, then this post may  be interesting to you. Continue reading “Diversity, Community, Blackhoodie”

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