
Solving client-side controls once and for all

Missing server-side validation consistently scores a place in the OWASP Top 10. Browsers nowadays offer a lot of ways to easily implement client-side controls, increasing the usability by a lot. They automatically detect missing fields or invalid characters in your input fields and may even validate user input against a regular expressions.

However, these controls should only be considered as usability features. When sending data to a back-end system the application must always ensure data integrity by implementing encodings, validations and filters. Even for small applications this is a painful and tedious process. For each possible input, developers together with security experts have to carefully identify the context of each field, how the input is going to be used and what data requirements are present.

Furthermore, the application must always be aware of the current data encoding and apply the correct decoding before validating or filtering anything.

In this post we are going to present a new groundbreaking solution to combat missing server-side validation once and for all.

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